Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Brenner Gollier

Pro-Palestine protestors holding signs and banners alongside the road

Colorado Springs, CO – On May 30, the Colorado Springs People’s Coalition (CSPC) gathered outside the South Gate entrance of the United States Air Force Academy to tell Kamala Harris that she is not welcome in Colorado Springs while supporting the genocide of the Palestinian people.


By staff

Protestors march on the street and in the bed of a white truck. They have bullhorns and signs with slogans like "From Palestine to the Philippines stop the US War Machine" and "Victory to Palestine! Long Live Palestine!"

Denver, CO – On November 9, Students for a Democratic Society Denver joined a national walkout for Palestine to demand an end to U.S. aid to Israel. In addition to the walkout, organizers took to the streets and marched to the Denver Capitol building, where approximately 500 people were gathered for a rally called by the Colorado Palestine Coalition. The rally also included local high school students who had walked out in solidarity with Palestine. Students were met with applause from onlookers and joined in with chants and songs


By staff

Denver SDS vigil in response to police killings.

Denver, CO – On February 1, about 40 students from the Auraria campus community came out to show solidarity with the latest wave of victims of police brutality. Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), alongside the Black Student Alliance, held a vigil for Tyre Nichols, Manuel “Tortuguita” Paez Terán, and Keenan Anderson – each of whom were murdered by police in January. Students had the opportunity to speak out and voice their grief and anger towards these murders that continue to happen in the United States.