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Colorado Springs People’s Coalition protests Kamala Harris visit to Colorado Springs

By Brenner Gollier

Pro-Palestine protestors holding signs and banners alongside the road

Colorado Springs, CO – On May 30, the Colorado Springs People’s Coalition (CSPC) gathered outside the South Gate entrance of the United States Air Force Academy to tell Kamala Harris that she is not welcome in Colorado Springs while supporting the genocide of the Palestinian people.

Before gathering outside the gate in protest, two banners were dropped in the city in preparation for Harris’ unwanted arrival. The first one was displayed over Interstate 25 and hung from the Bijou Bridge. The second banner displayed off of Fillmore read: “Go home Killer Kamala.” Later that day a third banner drop took place outside of the North Gate of the Air Force Academy off of I-25, where the vice president was set to leave by motorcade. This banner said, “You all have blood on your hands.”

A protest of around 30 people set up in front of the Air Academy gate with a canopy overhead, displaying large banners, and signs hung all around – all calling out Kamala Harris’s genocidal actions.

The mornings’ action saw military personnel on ATVs or loaded into vans first surround the protest at a distance, trying to intimidate protestors with their obvious presence. Throughout the day, multiple Colorado Springs police officers showed up. Despite police presence, activists set up a canopy shelter in the morning that provided food and water for all who came to the action. Banners and signs affixed to its sides unequivocally called for a free Palestine. Protesters held signs condemning the violence committed by Israel, so that every person entering the South Gate entrance was confronted by their messaging.

UCCS Students for Justice in Palestine, SDS Denver, Denver Freedom Road Socialist Organization and Denver Anti-War Action endorsed the action. Several CSPC and UCCS SJP members gave speeches that called for the immediate end to all aid going to Israel.

A member of CPSC gave a speech about Israeli military tactics and how their rules of engagement in fact consider massive civilian casualties.

The message was clear, people demand freedom for Palestine, and offer no sanctuary to killers like Kamala Harris and Joe Biden. Genocide is not welcome in Colorado Springs, and anyone who supports genocide will not remain unchallenged.

#ColoradoSpringsCO #Palestine #CSPC #UCCSSJP #SDSDenver #DenverFRSO #DenverAntiWarAction