Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Kawana Scott Menchaca.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Note: For memorial service details, see end of article.

Dallas, TX – Kawana Scott Menchaca, a community organizer from Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, passed away last weekend, having been found in the early hours of Sunday, July 14ᵗʰ. She is known to be profoundly sharp, intellectually effusive, driven by a craving for justice, and undeniably brave in fighting for a more just and humane world. She leaves behind her husband, Nicolas Menchaca, her parents Antione and Trenell, her two brothers Anderson and Langston, and a constellation of friends and community members all reeling from this news.


By Sarah Martin

Linda Hoover.  | Fight Back! News/staff

Linda Hoover, a longtime member and former interim director of Women Against Military Madness, died on April 20, 2024. She was a longtime anti-racist, anti-war activist and a leading member of MPAC (Minnesota Peace Action Coalition) formerly the IPAC (Iraq Peace Action Coalition).


By staff

Jennifer Rose Miller.

Arlington, TX – In the evening hours of Thursday, April 27, Jennifer Rose Miller unexpectedly departed this world at the age of 30. Her friends, family and comrades are devastated by the news, knowing her to be incomparably kind, loving and unwavering in her commitment both to the struggle and to little Xavier, her beaming soon-to-be-seven-year-old son who she leaves behind. The center of her life was her son, her pride and joy. She often had to arrange childcare for him to allow her to lead marches. She is also survived by her younger brother, parents and many other family members who loved her so much. Jennifer's life was cut far too short, but it was a full and a poignant one.


By Frank Chapman

Harry Belafonte.

Chicago, IL – We dip our banners of struggle for the civil and human rights icon, Harry Belafonte, who joined the ancestors yesterday, April 25, surrounded by family and friends in his New York City home. Belafonte was born in Harlem in 1927 and died at age 96. He always acknowledged that, “most of my family in Jamaica were plantation workers,” hence Day-O, or Banana Boat Song, had the lyrical line, “Come mister tally man, tally me bananas.”


By Sarah Martin

Polly Mann.

Minneapolis, MN – Polly Mann, a leading force and giant in the Twin Cities anti-war movement, died on January 12, 2023 at the age of 103 in San Francisco, California where she had lived with her daughter Connie for a little over a year.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – There was a high tide of struggle on many fronts in 2022. With so much going on, it can be easy to forget some of the things our movements have accomplished. That makes it all the more important to look back and review the lessons from this year’s resistance so we can move forward stronger.


By Frank Chapman

I want all the revolutionaries and young freedom fighters who are members of the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression to join us as we dip our banners of struggle for our dear comrade, Charlene Alexander Mitchell, who was born June 8, 1930, and died on December 14.


By Joe Iosbaker

Padre José Landaverde leading chants on the march on the RNC

Chicago, IL – Chicago lost a well-known fighter for immigrant rights on December 11. José Sigfredo Landaverde was a priest at Our Lady of Guadalupe Anglican Catholic Church in Little Village. Padre Landaverde was also a friend of Freedom Road Socialist Organization. He died after a long battle with illness.


By Meredith Aby

Preparing to go into Sen. Klobuchar's office to support the AntiWar 23 on Oct. 1

Minneapolis, MN – Marie Braun, 87, a longtime activist and beloved and respected leader in the peace and justice movement in the Twin Cities, died on June 27 after a very brief illness.


By Jess Sundin

Toshira Garraway Allen, Kellen Reeves, and Michelle Johnson Reeves.

Minneapolis, MN – More than 50 people gathered here to honor Mel Reeves, a community leader who died January 6 at age 64. Organized by Families Supporting Families Against Police Violence, the event was a space for those who worked alongside him in community to share memories of a man who put in decades of work in struggles against racism and police violence, economic injustice and war and militarism. Reeves was a father and grandfather, and a journalist for the Black newspaper, the Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder.