Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Tampa rally demands legalization for all undocumented immigrants

Tampa, FL – On Nov. 6, Raices en Tampa rallied on a busy street corner in solidarity with the immigrant families being held, without due process, in a Texas detention center. The Legalization for All Network called for a national day of action demanding the U.S. government release the children, end family detention and halt deportations.


By staff

Raices en Tampa vigil and rally on Ayotzinapa anniversary

Tampa, FL – On Sept. 26, Raices en Tampa hosted a vigil and rally on the anniversary on the kidnapping and disappearance of 43 Mexican students. Approximately 20 activists gathered holding signs that read, “Activism is not a crime!” and “They thought they could bury us, but they didn’t realize that we were seeds.”


By Alekos Zambrano

Tampa rallies for immigrant rights on Father's Day

Tampa, FL – Two dozen people gathered here June 19 at La Mexicana Bakery to demand an end to deportations and legalization for all. Community members and activist alike were represented in the crowd. Among the groups present were Raices en Tampa, Students for a Democratic Society, Committee to Stop FBI Repression and others.


By Alekos Zambrano

Marisol Marquez of Raices En Tampa demanding Monsanto out of Colombia

Tampa FL – Over 200 people gathered in downtown Tampa’s Lykes Gaslight Park, May 23, to rally against Monsanto and march in support of fair labeling practices. Protesters held signs saying “Hell no GMOs,” “We are not a science experiment,” and “Stop eating cancer.” The crowd chanted, “Wendy’s and Micky D’s, stop using GMOs please.”


By staff

Tampa activists announce plans for May Day protest

Tampa, FL – Organizations around the Tampa Bay joined together here for a press conference, April 24, in front of the Ybor Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) office, holding two banners, one that read “May Day” and another saying “Stop the deportations.”


By staff

Alicia Gazga leading chants in front of the Tampa City Council Office

Tampa, FL – A dozen people came together here, Feb. 26, to confront the city council and demand its members support drivers licenses for the undocumented. Alicia Gazga led the rally and chanted, “City council, shame on you!” and “What do we want? Licenses! When do we want them? Now!”


By Marisol Márquez

Raíces en Tampa panel discussion on immigration reform.

Tampa, FL – More than 30 people gathered at the First United Church of Tampa, Feb. 14, for Raíces en Tampa's “Stop the Heartbreak” Comprehensive Immigration Reform (CIR) panel. Some audience members traveled from Gainesville, Auburndale, Clearwater and Lutz to Tampa. Oscar Hernandez of Raíces en Tampa provided transportation to two members of the community who, due to Florida's restrictions on the undocumented, did not have a license or vehicle.


By Marisol Márquez

Tampa, Florida – The holidays are a time for family to come together, especially Mexican families in the U.S. For Oscar Hernandez, a DREAMer and member of Raíces en Tampa, this is the same plan.


By Alekos Zambrano

Columbus, GA – Over 1000 people attended the annual School of the Americas protest, at Fort Benning the weekend of Nov. 22. Every year thousands meet here to denounce the decades of U.S. military intervention, aid and overall presence in Latin America.


By staff

Tampa, FL – After months of attempting to meet and speak with the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office, Raíces en Tampa decided to organize two actions demanding the sheriffs “Stop ICE Holds” of immigrants. Only two days after Raíces en Tampa called for action, the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office quietly changed their policy. According to their letters to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the Department of Homeland Security, the County Sherriff’s Office will only detain immigrants if there is a judge’s order.