Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Fight Back! Editors

No to Wall Street! Yes to independence!

On June 29, the governor of Puerto Rico, Alejandro García Padilla, said that Puerto Rico’s debt was “not payable.” The government of Puerto Rico has a debt that is 70% of the islands Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This is more than three and half times as great as the next most indebted states, Rhode Island and Massachusetts, whose debt-to-GDP ratios are less than 20%. In addition, Puerto Rico’s electric utility also has major debt problems.


By Brad Sigal

In a surprise to many observers, on August 19 Puerto Ricans resoundingly voted “no” on two proposed constitutional amendments that had been championed by conservative Governor Luis Fortuño of the New Progressive Party. Fortuño is also a member of the U.S. Republican Party leadership, and will be a featured speaker at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida next week. The “no” vote is a blow to his agenda.


By Brad Sigal

On July 30, Puerto Rican Governor Luis Fortuño signed a highly controversial and sweeping new penal code into law that includes sharp restrictions on a broad range of civil liberties and rights. It’s slated to go into effect on September 1. A week after Fortuño signed it, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed a lawsuit to stop the new law, calling it unconstitutional. “The statute is evidently intended to suppress speech, to stop people from protesting against government policies,” William Ramirez, local ACLU director, said in the Washington Post.


By Brad Sigal

Movement calls on Governor Luis Fortuño to veto it

On June 30 the Puerto Rican legislature approved a new Penal Code that includes sharp restrictions on a broad range of civil liberties and rights. Supporters of civil liberties refer to it as essentially a ‘wish list’ of many regressive laws the right wing has dreamed of passing. It now awaits either the approval or veto of Puerto Rican Governor Luis Fortuño, who is from the New Progressive Party (PNP) of Puerto Rico, and is also a member of the U.S.’s Republican Party.


By Merelyn Concepción Rios

San Juan, Puerto Rico – The University of Puerto Rico administration continues to refuse to negotiate with the students here, as the 24-hour strike started April 21 has extended into its dramatic fifth week.


By Joe Iosbaker

Chicago, IL – Un año de lucha ha traído el éxito para los empleados que pertenecen al Local 73 del Sindicato Internacional de Trabajadores de Servicio en la Universidad de Illinois-Chicago. El 17 y 18 de Septiembre. casí 400 empleados salieron a votar, la abrumadora mayoría a favor de un contrato nuevo.

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By Joe Iosbaker

Trabajadores de la UIC exigen un contrato justo.

Chicago, IL – El 5 de Junio, 400 trabajadores, miembros del local 73 del Sindicato Internacional de Trabajadores de Servicios (SEIU), protestaron en el lado oeste de Chicago. Han estado luchando para conseguir un contrato nuevo con la Universidad de Illinois dsde el primer de Octubre.

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By Maria Camargo

En frente del pueblo, Independista Puertorriqueño, Ricardo Jimenez habla.

Chicago, IL – 10 de Septiembre Ricardo Jimenez fue el primer Independista que habló al publico atendiendo. Hubo mas de 300 personas. La bienvenida de los patriotas, quien lucharon valientmente contra la colonazación Estadounidense de Puerto Rico, duró desde las 6 hasta las 11:30 de la noche. Organizada primeramente por palabra de boca, fue impresionante que mas gente vinó durante la tarde para participar en este momento historico y alegre da la comunidad Puertoriqueña. La gente escuchó unas palabras conmovientes de Ricardo Jimenez, “La lucha para independencia sigue.” Despues durante la tarde tres otros Independistas liberados hablaron: Alejandrina Torres, Alberto Rodriguez, y Luis Rosa.

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By Joe Iosbaker

Racist Pay Difference Defeated

Chicago, IL – A year of struggle has brought success for workers in Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 73 at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). On Sept. 17 and 19, nearly 400 workers came out to overwhelmingly ratify a new contract.


By Joe Iosbaker

UIC workers march for a decent contract,

Chicago, IL – Over 400 workers, members of Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 73, rallied on the city's West Side, June 5. They have been fighting for a new contract at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) since October 1.


By staff

A photo of a protest against the SEIU raid of Puerto Rican teachers union

Outside the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) convention in Puerto Rico, Saturday, May 31, members of the Puerto Rican teachers union were attacked by riot police when they attempted to distribute fliers. The fliers were critical of SEIU for making a deal with Governor Acevedo Vila for SEIU to replace the militant teachers union in February.


By staff

This is a photo of a mass march in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

San Juan, Puerto Rico – Demanding a halt to the repression of activists working for the independence of Puerto Rico, about 1000 people rallied at the Federal Courthouse here, Jan. 10. Protests took place in ten other cities including, Chicago, New York City and Los Angeles.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is reprinting the following article on the FBI murder of Puerto Rican freedom fighter Filiberto Ojeda Ríos. A longer version of this article first appeared in Red Banner - a journal for left, progressive and socialist students at the University of North Carolina, Asheville.


By Maria Camargo

A photo of Ricardo Jimenez addressing the rally.

Chicago, IL – Ricardo Jimenez was the first newly freed Independista to speak to the 300 strong rally, welcoming home the patriots who were jailed for fighting against the U.S. colonization of Puerto Rico. Jimenez told the cheering crowd “the struggle for independence continues!”