Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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New York, NY – Organizers gathered at the International Action Center, Jan. 16, for a panel called “After J20: Fighting Back Against Political Repression.” The panel was organized by the Committee to Stop FBI Repression – NYC (CSFR) as part of the #DaysOfRage. The #DaysOfRage is building towards a final rally on Jan. 20, which is the one-year anniversary of the inauguration of Trump.


By Danya Zituni

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Chicago, IL – A standing room only crowd of over 1200 people packed the International Union of Operating Engineers hall for the August 12 farewell event in honor of Palestinian liberation icon Rasmea Odeh. The hosts were those forces that had worked tirelessly on her behalf for four years: the Rasmea Defense Committee, the U.S. Palestinian Community Network (USPCN), the Committee to Stop FBI Repression (CSFR), and the Coalition to Protect People’s Rights.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Khalida Jarrar

The Freedom Road Socialist Organization demands that the Israeli occupation immediately release Khalida Jarrar, a parliamentarian and longtime leader in the fight to liberate Palestine, along with Khitam Saafin, president of the Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees. These steadfast women are both being held under an administrative detention order that can be extended indefinitely.


By staff

_ All out for Detroit!_

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Fight Back News Service is following statement from the Rasmea Defense Committee, Committee to Stop FBI Repression, and U.S. Palestinian Community Network.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, on behalf of its imprisoned General Secretary Ahmad Sa’adat and all of its prisoners in the occupation prisons and its cadres and members in Palestine and exile, saluted Oscar Lopez Rivera on his liberation after nearly 36 years in Israeli prisons.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, on behalf of its imprisoned General Secretary Ahmad Sa’adat and all of its prisoners in the occupation prisons and its cadres and members in Palestine and exile, saluted Oscar Lopez Rivera on his liberation after nearly 36 years in Israeli prisons.


By staff

Washington, DC – The International Human Rights Defense Committee (CIPDH), a European organization of human rights lawyers and advocates, has criticized the FBI for the arrest of a Russian man, Stanislav Lisov. He has been held by Spanish police after he was arrested in January at the request of the FBI.


By Joe Iosbaker

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Chicago, IL – El 18 de mayo en una manifestación en la ciudad de Chicago, Rasmea Odeh le dio la bienvenida al ex-prisionero político Oscar López Rivera. Oscar López duró 35 años en una prisión de los EE.UU. Fue encarcelado injustamente por haber luchador por la independencia de su patria Puerto Rico. Al igual que él, Rasmea Odeh también enfrenta represión y deportación por parte del gobierno de los EE.UU. debido a su activismo por la liberación de Palestina.

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By Joe Iosbaker

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Chicago, IL – Rasmea Odeh embraces former political prisoner, Oscar López Rivera, at a rally in Chicago, on May 18. López Rivera spent 35 years in a U.S. prison. He was unjustly imprisoned for fighting for the independence of Puerto Rico, his homeland. Like him, Rasmea Odeh is up against repression – deportation by the U.S. government for her activism for a free Palestine.


By staff

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Detroit, MI – A major mobilization is underway to support Palestinian American leader Rasmea Odeh at her appearance in Detroit Federal Court, on Tuesday, April 25, at 1 p.m. Eastern Time. A solidarity rally at starts at 1:00 PM and the hearing begins at 2:30 p.m., at U.S. District Court, 231 W Lafayette Boulevard, downtown Detroit.