Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

East LA vigil honors Paul Rea for his 4-Year angelversary.

Los Angeles, CA – On June 27, the family and friends of Paul Rea, the loved ones of other victims of police brutality, and community supporters like Centro CSO gathered for his 4th angelversary at the site where he was killed by East LA sheriff's deputies in 2019. Beginning in the early evening, Rea’s family set up candles and posters before releasing balloons to remember his passing.


By Laci Gagliano

Rally outside former Minneapolis Police Department 3rd Precinct building

Minneapolis, MN – On June 28, the Climate Justice Committee gathered with around 20 community members outside the former Minneapolis Police Department 3rd Precinct building to stand in solidarity with Atlanta Forest Defenders, who called for a national week of action to stop Cop City as intense political repression continues on the frontlines of that fight. The protest also called for a local demand: no new 3rd Precinct building in Minneapolis.


By staff

Fighting for justice one year later

Family of Brieon Green held a balloon release to mark one year since his passing

Milwaukee, WI – On Monday, June 26, the family of Brieon Green held a balloon release to mark one year since his passing. Green’s family has been fighting for justice with the help of the Milwaukee Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (MAARPR) and the Justice for Brieon Green Coalition. This fight has taken many forms – from marching in the streets to meeting with the district attorney and the Milwaukee County sheriff.


By staff

LA protest demands community control of Los Angeles Sheriff's Department.

East Los Angeles, CA – On May 27, East LA residents, impacted family members, and supporters united against the new formation of two separate deputy gangs in the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department as well as the vicious escalation in deputy-involved killings.


By Jonce Palmer

Funeral procession for Jor'Dell Richardson.

Aurora, CO – On June 16, the family of Jor’Dell Da’Shawn Richardson laid their child to rest with an outpouring of community support. Meeting at the Aurora Municipal Center, the body of Jor’Dell Richardson was brought in its hearse to the complex containing both City Hall and Police Department Headquarters. The family was surrounded by members of the community in the pouring rain.


By Briony Smith

New York demands justice for Caesar Robinson

NYC protest against police crimes.

NYC, NY – Just over two months after 78-year-old Caesar Robinson was murdered in his Brooklyn home by the NYPD, activists led by New York Community Action Project (NYCAP) rallied in front of the 81st Police Precinct to demand justice. Activists called for the NYPD to release the body camera footage as well as the names of the officers who shot and killed Robinson in his own apartment.


By Frank Chapman

District Councillors for Brandon Johnson.

Chicago, IL – Our perspective on the elections must be based on a sober, scientific analysis that assesses the relationship of forces in this moment in order to find the pathway forward. We believe that objective social relations in the final analysis is what determines subjective evaluations. In other words, we must take every precaution to make sure that every policy change, every tactical adjustment and firming up of our strategy is soundly rooted in a concrete analysis of concrete conditions.


By Jonce Palmer

Laurie Littlejohn, along with family members and supporters, marches for account

Aurora, CO – On June 9, the bodycam footage documenting the police killing of Black youth Jor’Dell Richardson, 14, was released during a press conference given by Aurora Police Department Interim Chief Art Acevedo. The family and community organizers responded in kind with a press conference of their own, to counter the police narrative and march for accountability.


By staff

Opponents of Cop City gather in preparation for public comment to the Atlanta ci

Atlanta, GA – More than 1000 protesters gathered on June 5 at the Atlanta City Hall for public comment before a crucial city council vote which would officially fund Cop City, the $90 million police training facility scheduled to be constructed on the south side of Atlanta. The protesters arrived throughout the day, some as early as 7 a.m., to sign up to speak to the Council. By 1 p.m., 357 people were signed up for public comment.


By John Metz

Participants in the the  People’s Hearing for Survivors of Police Crimes

Chicago, IL – On Saturday, June 3, newly sworn-in Police District Councilors, community groups and survivors of police misconduct gathered at Gorham Methodist Church on Chicago's South Side for the inaugural People's Hearing on Police Crimes.