People’s Republic of China responds to Trump’s claim on Panama Canal
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning, at a December 23 Beijing press conference, responded Trump’s claim that the Panama Canal “must be returned” to the U.S.
News and Views from the People's Struggle
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning, at a December 23 Beijing press conference, responded Trump’s claim that the Panama Canal “must be returned” to the U.S.
Ciudad de Panamá, Panamá – El Congreso de Mujeres Trabajadoras de la Federación Sindical Mundial se llevó a cabo en la ciudad de Panamá del 8 al 10 de marzo. Militantes sindicales de todo el mundo se reunieron bajo el lema “Luchamos por la igualdad de derechos en el trabajo, en la sociedad y en la vida”.
According to a July 17 report from the Korean Central News Agency, a spokesperson for the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) Foreign Ministry stated, “There occurred an abnormal case in which the DPRK trading ship Chongchongang was apprehended by the Panamanian investigation authorities on suspicion of “drug transport,” a fiction, before passing through the Panama canal after leaving Havana Port recently. The Panamanian investigation authorities rashly attacked and detained the captain and crewmen of the ship on the plea of “drug investigation” and searched its cargo but did not discover any drug. Yet, they are justifying their violent action, taking issue with other kind of cargo aboard the ship.”