Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Felicia Montes

Jenni Rivera was truly a CHICANA Mexican regional music star (even sang it out loud in a song) representing the LBC (Long Beach City), homies, single-moms and homegirls from across Cali, the Southwest and the Americas.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

President Obama’s second term will mean more wars, cutbacks at home and attacks on our civil liberties. Obama has expanded U.S. military intervention in the Middle East – with the ongoing war and occupation of Afghanistan, merciless drone attacks killing thousands in Pakistan and Yemen, aggression against Syria and war threats against Iran. U.S. Special Forces and U.S. military advisors have a growing presence from Mexico to Africa, and worryingly there is a ‘pivot’ towards Asia that aims to bolster U.S. military power there.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Florida District

Oppose budget cuts, privatization and discrimination against women

In the November elections, Florida will be a major battleground in the people’s fight-back against budget cuts, the war on women and the struggle to protect the public education system. Eleven constitutional amendments will appear on the ballot for Florida voters. Every one of these amendments would hurt the people of Florida and help only the wealthy 1%. We urge all Floridians to vote “no” on all the constitutional amendments.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Tres años después del fin oficial de la recesión, los tiempos difíciles económicos siguen. La ruina fiscal amenaza a muchos trabajadores. Uno de cada tres niños vive en una familia en que ninguno de los dos padres tiene trabajo de tiempo completo todo el año. Escandalosamente, los banqueros siguen aprovechándose de bonos después del rescate de los bancos financiado por el pueblo. Los ricos — el 1% — están viviendo vidas de lujo mientras los trabajadores tienen que luchar solo para sobrevivir y encontrar trabajo. La economía estadounidense está estancada y amenazada por la creciente crisis económica en Europa. La gente está frustrada por la crisis económica y legítimamente enojada con los políticos de los dos partidos.

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By Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Minnesota District

Stand up for full equality; strike a blow against racist and anti-gay discrimination

On Nov. 6 Minnesotans will join with the rest of the country to vote on Election Day. But in Minnesota there won’t just be politicians on the ballot – there will also be two proposed constitutional amendments to vote on. If the majority of voters vote ‘yes’ on these amendments they will become part of the state constitution. These two referendums are very dangerous.


By Brad Sigal

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Revolutionary activist and scholar Joel Olson passed away on March 29, 2012. He was 45 years old. His passing came as a shock to friends and comrades and as word spread there was an outpouring of grief and memories on facebook. A fund was quickly set up to support his wife and three children. Memorials are planned for his home of Flagstaff, Arizona, as well as New York and other cities where he had close friends and comrades.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement by Freedom Road Socialist Organization of the passing of Ernesto Bustillos


By Fight Back! Editors

Ron Paul

Ron Paul is attracting a lot of attention, including some attention from some people in the anti-war movement, because of his views on foreign policy. Paul has demanded that the president “bring the troops home.” He reflects popular opinion when he says that President Bush overstepped his powers in starting the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan without a declaration of war. In general, Paul is known as an isolationist, rather than a pro-war candidate. However, Ron Paul supports assassinations and other ‘covert actions,’ acts, which are both illegal and anti-democratic, against other countries. In the Republican debates, his campaign tends to put little emphasis on his anti-war stances. Still, to find a candidate of either party who is against the wars is viewed by some as refreshing.


By Sara Flounders

There is growing apprehension that through miscalculation, deliberate provocation or a staged false flag operation, a U.S. war with Iran is imminent.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

The United States and its Western allies, along with reactionary pro-U.S. Arab regimes in the Middle East, are doing everything in their power to bring down the government of Syria. They have imposed sanctions that harm the Syrian people. They interfere in Syria’s internal affairs, with the aim of spreading disorder and chaos. Behind these attacks there is the steady drumbeat threatening foreign military intervention.