Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Sundin is pictured here (front, third from left) with other panel speakers

New York, NY – Dozens packed into a standing-room only panel discussion at the Left Forum called, “U.S. Imperialist Wars, Political Prisoners, Past & Present, and the Anti-War Struggle” on March 18. The Left Forum, one of the largest gatherings of left and progressive thinkers in the country, hosted thousands of activists and academics organizing for social justice.


By Caleb T. Maupin

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following article from Workers World.


By Tom Burke

New York, NY – Jess Sundin of the Committee to Stop FBI Repression is [speaking on a panel at the Left Forum in New York City this weekend]( The Left Forum, one of the largest gatherings of left and progressive thinkers in the country, will host thousands of activists and academics organizing for social justice. Sundin will speak on the panel “U.S. Imperialist Wars, Political Prisoners, Past & Present, and the Anti-War Struggle” March 18, at 3:00 p.m., at Pace University, Pace Plaza, Room W 609.


By staff

New York, NY – Thousands of supporters showed up early on Friday, Oct. 14 to foil an attempt to dislodge the Occupy Wall Street protesters from their Zuccotti Park location in the Manhattan financial district. The pretext was that a ‘cleanup’ of the site was needed. The park has been kept clean all along.


By staff

Thousands of people defended Occupy Wall Street encampment on Oct 14

New York, NY – Organizers at Occupy Wall Street are claiming victory this morning, Oct. 14, as City Hall backed down on its threat to clear out Zuccotti Park, supposedly for ‘cleaning.’ Zuccotti Park is the center of the protest movement. More than 7000 protesters, many with brooms and scrub brushes, packed Zuccotti Park to overflowing at 6:00 a.m. for the general assembly. An announcement was then made that Mayor Bloomberg backed down on his threats and a cheer rose up through the crowd as news spread from person to person that protesters would stay in the park.


By staff

New York, NY – “We are determined to remain united and to stay,” states Tracy Molm, a participant in Occupy Wall Street. Molm is one of the 1000+ protesters in Zuccotti Park Thursday night, Oct. 13. City authorities say they will start ‘cleaning’ the park Friday morning.


By Carolyn Riccardi

Protest sign at Occupy Wall Street, Oct. 1, 2011

New York, NY – In a city of nine million people, protesters aren’t supposed to shut down a major traffic artery on a Saturday afternoon. But on Saturday, October 1, Occupy Wall Street did just that, blocking the Brooklyn Bridge and sending a loud message to the bankers and politicians from Wall Street to Washington D.C. to California that a new day is at hand.


By Carolyn Riccardi

On October 1, Occupy Wall Street continued to grow and attract support from new sectors. Thousands marched, and the NYPD arrested more than 700 protesters on the Brooklyn Bridge. These photos show some of the spirit of the occupation and the march, before the NYPD's mass arrests. All photos by Carolyn Riccardi.


By staff

New York, NY – On Sept. 20, Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad hosted more than 200 peace and anti-war activists, religious leaders and journalists for a discussion to mark the eve of the International Day of Peace.


By staff

New York, NY – More than 45,000 workers at Verizon Communications walked off job Aug. 7 in response to company demands for major concessions to worker benefits, health care and pensions. The strike involves about 35,000 members of the Communications Workers of American (CWA) and about 10,000 members of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers IBEW).