Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Jess Sundin

At the University of Minnesota over 50 people protested at the campus ROTC

Minneapolis, MN – Morning rush hour drivers into downtown Minneapolis were greeted by several banners across the interstates reading, “Jobs not war” and “Recruiters lie people die.” This was the start of Zero Recruitment Day (ZRD), where more than 150 people protested at six military recruiting sites in Minnesota.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization-Minnesota/Madison

Minnesota shocked the world when pro-wrestler Jesse Ventura stole the governor's race from behind. Sure, my governor can beat up your governor, but what does the election of Jesse Ventura mean for poor and working people in Minnesota?


By mick

Minneapolis, MN – The Minnesota Welfare Rights Coalition has issued a call for all progressive organizations to sign a declaration against the five-year limit on welfare. It is reprinted below.


By Deb Konechne

Minneapolis, MN – On August 22, low income families across Minnesota held protests to mark the fourth anniversary of the signing of the federal welfare “reform” law. Member groups of the Minnesota Welfare Rights Coalition protested in four cities around the state, to call for an end to the five-year limit on public assistance.


By Brad Sigal

Management Overestimated Costs But Won't Lower Rates

Minneapolis, MN – “Workers at the University of Minnesota are being ripped off. The administration is stealing $6 million from us and we want it back,” said Kelly Ryan, an executive board member of AFSCME Local 3800, the clerical workers' union at the University of Minnesota. The unions are fighting to get back $6 million that the administration is overcharging workers for health care. They have come together in a new coalition called University Unions United.


By staff

Minnesota – As of January, 40,000 public sector workers in 129 local unions across Minnesota are now in one statewide union, AFSCME Council 5. Council 5 is a merger of three previously separate state union bureaucracies.


By Brad Sigal

Striker speaking surrounded by picket signs.

Minneapolis, MN – “After striking for 15 days, we came away with a stronger, fighting union and we won some real gains for clerical workers at the University of Minnesota,” said Phyllis Walker, President of AFSCME Local 3800, the clerical workers union at the U of M. Clerical workers at the University of Minnesota went on strike from Oct. 21 to Nov. 4, 2003 against huge health care cuts, a proposed wage freeze and to win key job security provisions. This was the first strike at the University of Minnesota in 60 years.


By Brad Sigal

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Minneapolis, MN – At the beginning of October, clerical workers at the University of Minnesota said no to a wage freeze and skyrocketing health care costs, and voted to go on strike. The clerical workers’ union, AFSCME Local 3800, is leading a fightback to stop the university administrators from balancing the budget on the backs of the lowest paid workers and students.


By staff

Phyllis Walker with "On Stike" signs behind her.

Phyllis Walker, president of AFSCME Local 3800, delivered the following speech in Detroit Sept. 12 to hundreds of labor activists attending a conference organized by the publication Labor Notes. AFSCME Local 3800 represents nearly 1800 University of Minnesota clerical workers, 93% of whom are women. As we go to press, Local 3800 has announced its intent to strike against a concessionary contract proposal.


By J Burger

Minneapolis, MN – University of Minnesota workers have won some real victories, and look forward to winning more.