Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

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St. Paul, MN – Thousands of striking Minneapolis teachers, education support professionals, along with supporters rallied at the Capitol Building in Saint Paul, March 9. Educators are firm in demanding a decent contract, and state they are ready to stay on strike until their demands are met. There has been widespread support from other trade unions and the community.

#StPaulMN #PeoplesStruggles #Strikes #TeachersUnions #MinneapolisTeachersUnion

By staff

Strike vote ahead

Twin cities teachers are fighting for decent contracts.

Minneapolis, MN – Teachers and education assistants in both Minneapolis and Saint Paul will hold a joint march on February 12 to call for the safe and stable schools that their students deserve. The Minneapolis educators are members of the Minneapolis Teachers Union, and the Saint Paul educators are members of Saint Paul Federation of Educators. Both groups have been in bargaining over their next contract.

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