Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Teamster picket demands raises and respect at University of Minnesota Twin Citie

Minneapolis, MN – Upwards of 250 members of Teamster Local 320 and their supporters joined a spirited informational picket line, August 31 to “Turn up the heat” on the U of M administration, pushing their demands for a real raise and respect. The six-hour long picket took place on the Super Block, a huge complex of student dormitories. It coincided with move-in day.


By linden

Die-in demands ‘No U.S. aid for Israel’ on anniversary of Gaza War

Minneapolis march demands end to U.S. aid for Israel.

Minneapolis, MN – More than 50 demonstrators rallied in front of the office of Senator Klobuchar (D-MN), August 26, to mark the end of the 2014 Israeli/U.S. war on Gaza. Cars driving up and down Washington Avenue honked in support.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – The Twin Cities based Anti-War Committee is calling for a protest on August 26 to mark the end of the Gaza War of 2014. The protest will begin with a rally outside of Senator Amy Klobuchar’s office at 1200 S. Washington Avenue in Minneapolis.


By staff

Banner honoring Jesús Estrada-Pérez

Minneapolis, MN – On August 9, hundreds of activists and intellectuals gathered at Northrop mall on the University of Minnesota -Twin Cities campus for a memorial rally and march in honor of Jesús Estrada-Pérez, who passed away earlier that week.


By staff

Minneapolis protest against  U.S . wars on Iraq and Syria.

Minneapolis, MN – To mark one year since the start of the latest U.S. military intervention in Iraq, over 60 people joined a Minneapolis anti-war protest on August 8.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – Attorneys appeared in court, August 5, before Judge Peter Cahill for a status conference in the #BlackLivesMatter demonstration case. Notably, Bloomington Prosecutor Sandra Johnson has dropped all substantive trespassing charges against the alleged organizers of the Black Lives Matter demonstration. The move came on the heels of motions to dismiss that were filed by lead attorneys Jordan Kushner and Bruce Nestor, who are representing 10 of 11 individuals identified as ‘ringleaders’ of the Black Lives Matter gathering at the Mall of America last December.


By Stephanie Taylor

Minneapolis, MN – Over 200 protesters marched here, July 31, demanding justice for Sandra Bland. Bland’s death has come to the forefront of the Black Lives Matter movement because of her suspicious jail cell death while in police custody.


By staff

Publicizing anti-war protest against U.S. intervention in Iraq and Syria

Minneapolis, MN – To mark one year since the start of the latest U.S. bombing campaign in Iraq, a coalition of Minneapolis and Saint Paul organizations will hold a protest on Saturday, August 8. The protest will be held at Lake Street and Hiawatha Avenue in Minneapolis starting at 1:00 p.m.


By linden

Minneapolis, MN – This past spring, Missouri imposed a 45-month limit on how long poor families can receive federally funded welfare benefits, down from 60 months.


By mick

Speakers at Rasmea Odeh fundraising event in Minneapolis

Minneapolis, MN – Twin Cites supporters of Palestinian American leader Rasmea Odeh scored a major success here, July 29, collecting well over $1000 to help her defense effort. About 50 people came together for a “Happy Hour for Rasmea” organized by the Minnesota Committee to Stop FBI Repression. The funds will be used to help get people to Cincinnati, Ohio, where it is expected that the oral arguments on Odeh’s appeal will be heard in federal court this fall.