Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Speakers at U of MN immigrants rights event

Minneapolis, MN – On Nov. 3, a panel of three speakers at the University of Minnesota analyzed the phenomenon of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and how his anti-immigrant rhetoric affects the struggle for immigrant rights.


By Meredith Aby

University of MN police handcuffing pro Palestine protester

Minneapolis, MN – Over 50 supporters of Palestine shut down a Nov. 3 lecture by Hebrew University professor Moshe Halbertal, a co-author of the Israeli military code of ethics, entitled “Protecting Civilians: Moral Challenges of Asymmetric Warfare.” Organized by the MN Anti-War Committee and endorsed by Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP UMN), the protesters prevented Halbertal from presenting his defense of IDF conduct in last summer’s Gaza War. Three of the protesters were arrested, as police tried to maintain what they called “decorum.”


By staff

Donald Trump gets beat at University of MN

Minneapolis, MN – Students and community members gathered on the Northrop Mall at the University of Minnesota on an unseasonably warm day, Nov. 2, to take some swings at three homemade piñatas that bore a strong resemblance to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.


By staff

Minneapolis emergency protest against the sending of U.S. Special Forces troops

Minneapolis, MN – A coalition of Twin Cities area peace groups gathered Oct. 31 for an emergency protest against the sending of U.S. Special Forces troops to Syria. The announcement of the sending of these troops was made Oct. 30. The troop deployment represents an escalation of aggression by the U.S. in Syria and Iraq.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – On Oct. 24, 30 people gathered in Minneapolis to celebrate the 66th anniversary of the Chinese revolution. In an event sponsored by Freedom Road Socialist Organization, they celebrated by watching the movie Founding of a Party, which was followed by a lively discussion about the meaning and importance of the socialist revolution in China.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – On Oct. 13 protesters packed the Board of Education located on West Broadway Avenue in the heart of North Minneapolis. The board was meeting and taking public comment on the controversial Reading Horizons curriculum, that the district recently paid $1.2 million for, to help “close the achievement gap” in literacy between students of color and their white peers. Protest from educators and community members erupted last month upon distribution of materials and trainings, when the curriculum was found to include content that was inundated with racism and male chauvinism.


By staff

Members of U of M campus unions  disrupt regents meeting.

Minneapolis, MN – Chanting, “What do we want? Raises and respect. When do we want it? Now!” about 20 university workers held signs and protested inside the Board of Regents meeting, Oct. 9.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – To mark 14 years of endless war, Minneapolis and Saint Paul area peace groups will hold events on Oct. 7.


By staff

Protest at Minneapolis school board meeting against racist curriculum.

Minneapolis, MN – On the night of Sept. 29, dozens of educators, students, parents and community members disrupted the Minneapolis Board of Education. Tensions between the community and the board have been rising over the recent adoption of a new $1.2 million district-wide racist reading curriculum for elementary age students, sold by the Utah-based company Reading Horizons.


By Kent Mori

Minneapolis, MN – Dear Gaza, an open air concert and block party drew hundreds of people here, , Sept. 26, and raised $20,000 in medical relief for Gaza.