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Sindicalistas en Minnesota exigen justicia para George Floyd

Minneapolis, MN – Alrededor de 500 sindicalistas y funcionarios de docenas de sindicatos se reunieron en la casa del fiscal del condado de Hennepin Mike Freeman en el suroeste de Minneapolis, el 31 de mayo, para exigir justicia para George Floyd y poner fin a la vigilancia racista. Los manifestantes se resolvieron a no permitir que los tropos racistas sobre los agitadores externos les impidieran hacer lo correcto.

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By Liam Vertal

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Minneapolis, MN – June 1 marked the fourth of a planned eight days of protest by University of Minnesota students in Dinkytown, a university neighborhood, following the death of George Floyd. Chanting slogans such as “I can’t breathe” and “No justice, no peace,” dozens of students blocked a road at the intersection of 15th Avenue SE and 4th Street SE.


By Loretta VanPelt

Minneapolis, MN – Hundreds gathered outside the Davis Center, the headquarters of the Minneapolis Public Schools, June 2, rallying to end the contract with Minneapolis Police Department. It was announced last Friday that the school board drafted a resolution to do so.


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Minneapolis MN – The driver who drove his tanker truck in the large demonstration on the Interstate 35W bridge in Minneapolis, was released from custody today, June 2, after Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman failed to press charges.


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Protest organized by Minnesota Workers United demands justice for George Floyd.

Minneapolis, MN – Around 500 rank-and-file union members and officials from dozens of unions came together at Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman’s house in Southwest Minneapolis, May 31, to demand justice for George Floyd and an end to racist policing. The protesters were resolved not to let racist tropes about outside agitators stop them from doing what is right.


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Minneapolis, MN – A major urban uprising has entered its third day, as tens of thousands have taken to the streets demanding to demand justice for George Floyd, an African American man murdered by Minneapolis police on May 25.


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FRSO Political Secretary Steff Yorek.

Minneapolis, MN – Political Secretary of Freedom Road Socialist Organization Steff Yorek stated on May 26, “The United States has just reached a grim milestone, 100,000 deaths from COVID-19 with no end in sight, earning this country the dubious distinction of edging into the top ten for deaths per person, with 30.46 deaths per 100,000.”


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Massive protest in Minneapolis demands justice for George Floyd.

Minneapolis, MN – More than 20,000 people marched here, May 26, to demand justice for George Floyd, an African American man who as murdered by Minneapolis police on May 25. The three-mile march filled city streets for blocks and then closed a major four-lane highway. It started at the murder scene at Chicago Avenue and 38th Street and went to the Third Precinct station on Lake Street, where intense clashes took place. Police fired tear gas and rubber bullets. Bricks broke some of the stations windows, a police car was demolished, and the slogan “I can’t breathe,” were visible on the station’s wall.


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Minneapolis, MN – A protest is set for 5 p.m., May 26, at 3759 Chicago Avenue S, Minneapolis, to demand justice for George Floyd – an African American man who as murdered last night by Minneapolis police.


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Minneapolis, MN – Jess Sundin, a Minnesota leader of Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) condemned Governor Walz’s decision to allow many statewide stay-at-home restrictions to lapse, May 13.