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Hundreds march for International Workers Day in Minneapolis

By Brad Sigal

International Workers Day march in Minneapolis

Minneapolis, MN – Hundreds of people marched April 29 in Minneapolis to commemorate International Workers Day and continue the struggle for immigrant and workers’ rights. The annual march started at Lake Street and Nicollet Avenue and marched two miles to Hennepin County Government Plaza in downtown Minneapolis. The march was initiated by the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC) and was endorsed by more than 40 unions, immigrant rights and social justice organizations, including both the Minneapolis and Saint Paul Regional Labor Federations.

The march denounced the racism, xenophobia, immigrant bashing and attacks on workers’ rights that are being pushed by Donald Trump and other politicians who share his views. Marchers put forward a working people’s agenda that unites workers of all races, nationalities, genders and backgrounds to fight for economic and social justice.

The demands were:

Two days later, on May 1, MIRAC and the MN International Workers Day Coalition also marched in the annual Powderhorn community May Day parade, receiving much applause from the community for their bilingual banners celebrating International Workers Day and calling for an end to deportations and mass incarceration.

Marching for immigrant and workers rights

MIRAC & MN International Workers Day Coalition also marched in Mayday parade

#MinneapolisMN #Labor #MayDay #internationalWorkersDay #MIRAc