Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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Minneapolis, MN – A growing number of trade unions are taking a stand against the recent FBI raids and grand jury witch hunt against anti-war, international solidarity and labor activists. Ten of the 14 people subpoenaed are trade unionists who have been active members of AFSCME, SEIU, Teamsters, and Education MN. They’ve been on the front lines and picket lines supporting their sisters and brothers during strikes, contract campaigns and workplace struggles. They have been vocal supporters of workers’ rights around the globe and they’re now under attack for speaking out against U.S. foreign policy. But in the spirit of “an injury to one is an injury to all,” the labor movement is coming to their defense.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – FBI agents continued their campaign against anti-war activists in the Twin Cities on Oct. 8. Jennie Eisert, a member of the Anti-War Committee said, “FBI agents came to my work and wanted to talk to me about activists in the anti-war movement. I was called away from my desk and when I refused to talk to them, they tried to turn me against my friends and fellow activists.”


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – FBI agents in Minneapolis went to several homes, Oct. 6 and 7, continuing their campaign of harassment and repression against anti-war and international solidarity activists.


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Speaking out at the rally against FBI raids on anti-war protesters.

Minneapolis MN – On Monday September 27th, protests took place in cities across the country to protest the FBI raids carried out against anti-war activists. “From Colombia to Palestine, solidarity is not a crime”, chanted protesters in Minneapolis, where over 500 gathered at the FBI Headquarters to speak out against the FBI repression of organizers for social justice.


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200 people in the Twin Cities gather to protest the FBI raids against antiwar ac

Fight Back! News Service is circulating the following video from The UpTake, which reports on a community meeting in Minneapolis in response to the FBI raids on antiwar activists across the country Sep. 24, 2010. Over 200 people gathered at the meeting.


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Jimmy Johns workers and supporters picket in Minneapolis on Labor Day 2010.

Minneapolis, MN – On Sept. 14, workers at nine Minneapolis Jimmy John’s sandwich shop locations filed for a union election with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). They have organized as the IWW Jimmy John’s Workers Union and state they have the support of more than half the workers at the nine Jimmy John’s Minneapolis stores. If the majority of workers vote for the union in the NLRB election, then franchise owner Mike Mulligan will be legally bound to negotiate with them. Since publicly announcing the formation of their union on Sept. 2, Mulligan has refused to meet with the workers.


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Cop tries to prevent Deb Konechne from leading chants at governor debate

Minneapolis, MN – As the candidates for governor were preparing to debate inside the Pantages Theater here Sept. 15, about 30 members of the Minnesota Coalition for a People’s Bailout, including folks from the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee and the Welfare Rights Committee were on the street out front.


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Minnesota activists protest against anti-muslim prejudice on September 11.

Minneapolis, MN – More than 200 people came together for a rally here, Sept. 11 to speak out against a wave of anti-Muslim bigotry that has spread across the U.S. This included the threatened Qur’an burning in Gainesville Florida. The event also called for an end to U.S. wars and occupations being carried out in the name of ‘fighting terrorism.’


By staff

Say “No!” to anti-Muslim bigotry, racism against Arabs, and war!

Minneapolis, MN – Peace, social justice and other organizations will hold a rally on Sept. 11 in Minneapolis, on the anniversary of the 2001 attacks in New York and Washington D.C., to speak out against a wave of anti-Muslim bigotry that has spread across the U.S. in recent weeks. The event will also call for an end to U.S. wars and occupations being carried out in the name of ‘fighting terrorism.’


By staff

Members of the Network to Fight for Economic Justice have been leafleting and petitioning at unemployment offices demanding that Congress and state governments take action to extend and expand unemployment benefits.