Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Protest in front of Minneapolis Federal Building

Minneapolis, MN – Chanting, “From Minnesota to Palestine, solidarity is not a crime,” about 250 demonstrators gathered at the Federal Building here, Jan. 25, to protest FBI and Grand Jury repression that is being directed against anti-war and Palestine solidarity activists. Protesters were forced to jostle for standing and picketing room between high banks of ice and snow on the sidewalks and plaza.


By staff

Chipotle workers and allies protest unjust firings Jan. 20 in Minneapolis

Minneapolis, MN – On Jan. 20, dozens of Latino immigrants who were among the hundreds fired from Chipotle Mexican Grill throughout Minnesota last month protested at a downtown Minneapolis Chipotle. At the protest the workers entered the store, while eight of the workers’ allies chained themselves together inside the store until they were arrested. The workers and their supporters are demanding justice from Chipotle.


By staff

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Minneapolis, MN – The Committee to Stop FBI Repression has issued a leaflet on the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King and the struggle against political repression. Tom Burke, a spokesperson for the Committee to Stop FBI Repression urges activists to distribute the flyer at Martin Luther King Day events, stating, “Dr. King was a giant in the struggle for equality, peace and justice, and the FBI did its best to destroy him. Distributing this flyer at MLK Day events brings out an important message about the government’s continuing attempts to repress movements that are working for social justice.”


By Jess Sundin

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement made by Jess Sundin, of the Twin Cities based Anti-War Committee and the Committee to Stop FBI Repression, at a Jan. 12 press conference on FBI infiltration of the peace movement. Sundin is one of the original 14 activists who was issued a subpoena during the FBI raids of Sept. 24, 2010. She was also one of the principal organizers of the 30,000 strong anti-war march at the Republican National Convention in 2008.


By staff

Jess Sundin speaking at the press conference

Minneapolis, MN – At a press conference here, Jan. 12, Jess Sundin of the Twin Cites based Anti-War Committee (AWC) blasted police infiltration of the anti-war and international solidarity movement, stating, “We are here today to express outrage that our democratic rights have been violated by a government operation of spying, infiltration and disruption of our anti-war movement, which was carried out over the course of at least two and half years.”


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – Dozens of Twin Cities area anti-war, labor and social justice advocates gathered at the office of the Anti-War Committee, Dec. 21, to fill out paperwork for Freedom of Information Act requests, demanding that the FBI provide copies of files developed on their organizations and themselves.


By Brad Sigal

No More Deportations campaign presentation 12/19/2010 in NY Plaza on Lake Street

Minneapolis, MN – On Dec. 19 activists from the No More Deportations campaign brought their message to the New York Plaza shopping center on Lake Street in Minneapolis. In the Latino market, activists explained the campaign to weekend shoppers and signed up dozens of people on the petition to stop deportations in Hennepin County.


By staff

Speakers at Chipotle workers' press conference, 12/14/2010, Minneapolis

Minneapolis, MN – On Dec. 14, Juan and Maria, two workers from Chipotle Mexican Restaurant who are Mexican immigrants, spoke out at a press conference after being fired as part of a statewide immigration sweep. Over 20 other fired Chipotle workers stood by them as they told what has happened over the past week and presented their demands to Chipotle Mexican Restaurant and to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).


By Brad Sigal

DREAMers on hunger strike at El Colegio in Minneapolis, 12/12/2010

Minneapolis, MN – On Dec. 10, seven students here started a hunger strike to demand that Congress pass the DREAM Act. The DREAM Act is a proposed law that would give some undocumented immigrant youth the possibility to gain legalization if they go to college or join the military.


By staff

Tracy Molm

Chicago, IL – The 19th annual People’s Thanksgiving, a fundraiser for Fight Back! newspaper, was held here Dec. 4. It was the largest ever, with over 200 in attendance, and raised an incredible $7000 for the defense of the 17 Midwest anti-war and solidarity activists under attack by the FBI.