Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

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Este año, el Día Internacional de los Trabajadores el primero de mayo es importante para los movimientos por los derechos laborales y de los inmigrantes. Por más de un año, las personas se han enfrentado a los ataques de la administración del presidente Trump. La Casa Blanca de Trump quiere promulgar la agenda de los ricos a toda costa, a través de exenciones impositivas para los ricos, o por redadas crueles y deportaciones de inmigrantes que destrozan a las familias inmigrantes.

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By staff

Annual International Workers Day march on Lake Street

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Minneapolis, MN – On Tuesday, May 1, a broad coalition of unions, workers organizations, immigrant rights groups, and other community organizations will have a unified march and cultural program in South Minneapolis. The unified march will begin at 3:30 p.m. with short speeches at Lake and Nicollet. At 4 p.m. the march will leave. The march will culminate in a Cultural Program at the Powderhorn Park building at 5:15 p.m. with speakers, music and dance performances.


By staff

Last year's May Day rally at the Southside of Union Square.

New York, NY – On April 26, at 1 p.m., people gathered outside the New York City's Parks and Recreation Department (NYCPRD) building to hold a press conference and protest the NYCPRD's decision to move the annual International Workers Day protest to the North End of Union Square Park.


By World Federation of Trade Unions

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU)


By Katherine Draken

Tallahassee May Day rally.

Tallahassee, FL – On May 1, around 30 workers, students and community members gathered in front of the Greater Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce to celebrate International Workers Day and to stand in solidarity with immigrants and refugees.


By staff

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San Salvador, El Salvador – Tens of thousands of Salvadoran workers came out to march here on International Workers Day. The event started with three marches from different parts of San Salvador that converged in the El Salvador del Mundo plaza for a unified rally. The marches started at Schafik Handal Plaza in Mejicanos, at Árbol de la Paz by Cuzcatlan Stadium, and on Boulevard de los Héroes. Many unions, social movement organizations and the left participated in the march. Workers celebrated their accomplishments including an increase to the minimum wage. They also expressed their rejection of a proposal from the private sector to privatize pensions. The unions presented their own proposal to the FMLN government to reform the pension system to guarantee a pension for current and future retirees.

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#SanSalvadorElSalvador #SanSalvador #Labor #ElSalvador #Mayday #Americas

By staff

UIC workers picket on May 1.

Chicago, IL – On May 1, over 250 workers at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) picketed to demand a fair contract. Many members of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 73 have been without a contract for almost two years.


By staff

Boyle Heights May Day march.

Los Angeles, CA – The beautiful and unified chants of, “Chicano power! Immigrant power! Student power!” and “Que viva la Raza! Que viva Aztlán! Que viva Mexico!” was heard through the streets of the Chicano neighborhood of Boyle Heights, May 1. The spirited May Day march proceeded on Chavez Avenue in the heart of Boyle heights where residents came out to cheer and show support. A short rally was held at the corners of Chicago and First Street at the LAPD Hollenbeck police station to denounce the killings of Jose “Peruzzi” Mendez, Jesse Romero and other youth.


By staff

May Day in Houston, TX.

Houston, TX – There were two May Day events in Houston, Texas. Immigrant rights groups demanding an end to deportations and to defend the rights of undocumented workers organized a noontime march and rally. With some union support, the crowd of hundreds marched to Houston City Hall and rallied on the steps.


By Sean Taylor

Theresa Nielson, a member of the FRSO, addresses the crowd

Salt Lake City, UT – Over 150 people rallied in downtown Salt Lake to celebrate May 1, International Workers Day. Hosted by the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), the event assembled activists and organizers from a wide array of progressive groups in the valley, including Students for a Democratic Society, Utah Against Police Brutality, Workers World Party as well as many new people eager to get involved in local politics.