Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

AFSCME workers are standing up for raises and respect.

Minneapolis, MN – About 150 University of Minnesota AFSCME workers and their supporters joined a noon informational picket, October 10 to demand real raises, respect and racial equity. The action coincided with a meeting of President Joan Gabel and Twin Cities deans. The meeting was set for Walter Library, but the administration attempted to evade the picket, and moved the gathering to Coffman Union. Workers marched to Coffman, held a picket in front of the building and chanting, they marched up to the third floor meeting location.


By staff

Cherrene Horazuk, President of AFSCME 3800.

Minneapolis, MN – AFSCME at the University of Minnesota is holding an informational picket on Monday, October 10, from noon until 2 p.m. at Walter Library on the East Bank campus here. This coincides with a meeting between President Joan Gabel and Twin Cities deans at the same location. They will demand university leadership respond to their demands for raises, respect and racial equity.


By Clio Jensen

Educators on strike in Seattle.

Seattle, WA – Educators voted to ratify a tentative agreement with Seattle Public Schools (SPS) on September 19, after a powerful five-day strike. The strike mobilized 90% of union members, supported by parents and students, to picket lines and rallies at their schools. The schools were shut down for five days. The Seattle Caucus of Rank-and-File Educators, known as SCORE, was one of the driving forces behind the strike and has grown in membership by 60% since the strike began.


By Joseph Nohava

Hillsborough County teachers pack the school board meeting, September 20.

Tampa, FL – Members of the Hillsborough County teachers union packed the school board meeting, September 20, to demand a better contract that takes teachers' needs for a livable salary into account. A sea of the union's red shirts confronted the board members and the county's superintendent, who with faux concern, offered nothing but the platitude that he “heard” teachers’ concerns.


By Rory Donovan

Milwaukee, WI – As the fall semester began at UW-Milwaukee, faculty and staff received an email from the Student Services office asking them to help cover staffing shortages in dining services. Specifically, they were asked to “donate any time [they] can find.” The office framed the request as a need to cover their new dining plan, which will help to address food insecurity, improve options for dietary restrictions, and is aligned with the campus’ strategic plan “to make UWM a radically welcoming place for our students.” Administration laid the guilt on thick.


By All Workers Militant Front (PAME)

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the influential Greek labor organization, the All-Workers Militant Front (PAME).


By staff

Members of the faculty and staff union at UW-Oshkosh demonstrate in solidarity w

Oshkosh, WI – Worker solidarity proved to be too much for the administration of UW Oshkosh, when they were forced September 12 to scrap their plan to privatize over 100 custodial and groundskeeper jobs at the university. Workers first learned of this plan on August 22, when UW Oshkosh custodial and grounds staff were informed via email that the administration was considering contracting with a private company, SSC Services, in Tennessee. This move would have pushed workers off their state benefits and resulted in reduced job security, poorer working conditions and less effective services rendered, all while funneling public education dollars to a private company.


By staff

Madison, WI – On September 12, a tentative agreement was reached between nurses at University of Wisconsin Health (UW Health) and administration over management recognition of their union, represented by SEIU Healthcare Wisconsin. Nurses at UW Health had lost their union after their contract expired in 2014 and the administration refused to bargain, citing Wisconsin's “Act 10” law. The effort for renewed recognition was restarted as of 2019.


By Jacob Muldoon

Tallahassee, FL – On September 5, Starbucks Workers United (SBWU) and Serenity’s Bartenders United called strikes. SBWU demanded delayed back pay and Serenity’s Bartenders United wanted the reinstatement of a fired manager.


By staff

U of MN Teamsters standing up against poverty wages.

Minneapolis, MN – More than 300 University of Minnesota (UMN) service workers represented by Teamsters Local 320, along with members AFSCME, students, faculty, and others, protested on the school’s campus, August 30, to demand an end to poverty wages and abusive employment practices.