Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Tracy Molm

Minneapolis, MN - At the annual Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender (GLBT) Pride festival here, there was a unique marriage of causes: The struggle against war in Iraq tied the knot with the struggle for civil rights for the GLBT community at home. In a creative act of solidarity, the Anti-War Committee marched under the banner, “I do say no to war!” and offered same-sex couples the chance to ‘Commit to Peace’ and each other, in a ceremony led by an ordained minister.


By Fight Back! Editors

June 30 protest in Minneapolis

On June 30 hundreds gathered in Minneapolis to oppose the U.S. occupation of Iraq.


By Bolivarian Circles

The U.S. Bolivarian Circles and the Colombia Action Network are organizing a joint contingent for the September 24th, 2005, March on Washington to end the U.S. occupation of Iraq.  We will announce our rallying point at a later date, but we promise to be visible on the streets in front of the White House!


By Tom Burke

Hundreds of Thousands March against War in Iraq

Washington, DC - 300,000 rallied and marched here, Sept. 24, to oppose the continuing U.S. war and occupation in Iraq, a turnout stunning even the organizers. In the largest anti-war protest in Washington D.C. since the Vietnam era, marchers at the White House chanted, “No blood for oil! U.S. out of Iraq!” Many took pictures of friends or family holding anti-war signs in front of the empty White House.


By Erika Zurawski

Student Protest at U of M

Minneapolis, MN -A two thousand-plus crowd of high school, college and even elementary school students gathered at the University of Minnesota student union, Nov. 2 to protest the war on Iraq and demand that military recruiters get out of their schools.


By Layla Asamarai

Abdulrazak Asamarai and his Daughters

I wanted to share some really sad family news that we were just stricken with yesterday. My uncle Abdulrazaq (my father’s younger brother who is 50 years old) was in Iraq (in our home city of Samarra, Iraq) on Thursday January 5th, 2006 and at 8pm went to go meet with his business partners to finish financial exchanges and on his way back he was killed by American troops. Upon stealing the $10,000 that were in his coat pocket the troops that the Americans are so proud of and support, found that he did not have any weapons or explosives and then they dumped his body at the local hospital and walked away with his money.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN - More than 125 community and student activists attended A Conference for Iraq, Information to Resist Another Quagmire. The keynote address was given by Sami Rasouli, a long-time peace activist who has returned home to Iraq, to try to rebuild peace, in the face of U.S. occupation.


By Eric Gardner

Asheville, NC - The chant, “U.S. out of Iraq! Let them have their country back!” echoed off the buildings of downtown Asheville as a spirited group of over 100 students, young people, workers and veterans marched through the city to say no to Bush’s war. The protesters chose to mark the three-year anniversary of the invasion by joining millions of others around the world to demand the immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq.


By Tracy Molm

4000 march in Minneapolis, MN

To mark the third anniversary of the war, and now occupation, of Iraq, people around the globe marched, calling for U.S. troops to leave immediately. In Chicago, 10,000 protesters faced off against 1500 police in full riot gear during their evening march on Michigan Avenue on March 18. This was the first time in three years that organizers were able to get a permit to march on Michigan Avenue.


By Kosta Harlan

Protest outside King Center in Atlanta

Atlanta, GA - In one of the largest anti-war rallies in the South, upwards of 4000 protesters – students, Black civil rights activists, trade unionists and military veterans – marched in Atlanta, April 1, demanding, “Peace in Iraq, justice at home!”