Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

On May 1, working people in the hundreds of millions will celebrate a holiday that is truly our own – International Workers Day. On every continent, workers will fill the streets of cities and villages. In the jungles of the Philippines and Colombia, poor peasants will gather. In the countries where the rule of the rich has come to an end, such as Cuba and Democratic Korea, May Day is recognized as a national holiday. From Moscow to Manila to Minneapolis, working women and men will gather and say, “Enough is enough; we don't have to live this way. We do not have to put up with exploitation, discrimination, and national oppression.”


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

On May 1, hundreds of millions of working people will celebrate International Workers Day. From Madrid to Minneapolis, from New Delhi to New York, working people will assemble. We will condemn all who exploit us. We will celebrate our victories. Moreover, we will look forward to a world that is free of injustice, discrimination, and national oppression.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Minneapolis, MN – It was standing room only, as more than people 55 came together here, May 6, to celebrate International Workers Day. Leaders from labor, the fight for Native land at Highway 55, welfare rights, anti-war, and student movements spoke of their struggles and victories over the past year. Some traveled over 100 miles, from Duluth MN, to attend.


By Fight Back! Editors

On May 1, hundreds of millions of working people will stand up and say NO to exploitation, poverty, and oppression. In every country on the globe, women and men, employed and unemployed, will come together to celebrate May Day, International Workers Day.


By staff

Screenshot of flyer - English

St. Paul, MN - Undocumented workers and their supporters will take to the streets here May 1 to demand an end to the raids and deportations and for legalization. Protest organizers of the May 1 Coalition announced that marchers will assemble at 2 p.m. in downtown Saint Paul at Kellogg and Robert, and march to the State Capitol building.


By staff

Chicago, IL – A massive demonstration for immigrant rights will take place here May 1. The International Workers Day protest has the support of more than 100 labor, community and religious organizations, including the March 10 Movement and Centro Sin Fronteras.


By staff

Arial shot of huge protest march

Chicago, IL – 20,000 people joined a massive demonstration for immigrant rights here on May 1. The International Workers Day protest was backed by more than 100 Latino, labor, community and religious organizations, including the March 10 Movement and Centro Sin Fronteras.


By staff

Immigrant rights activists formed a human chain around the federal building

Los Angeles, CA – Immigrant rights activists formed a human chain around the federal building, March 25 to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the mega-march that filled LA streets.


By staff

English version of flyer for May 1 march in Minneapolis

Minneapolis, MN – Immigrant workers and their supporters will be marching here May 1, International Workers Day. Demonstrators will assemble at Nicollet and Lake Street, at 4:00 pm, to participate in the national day of actions.

Spanish flyer for May 1, 2007 immigrant rights march in Minneapolis

#MinneapolisMN #News #MayDay #ChicanoLatino #immigrantRights #internationalWorkersDay #MIRAc

By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

May Day is a day to stand up and fight back. Millions will take to the streets – from Los Angeles to Mexico City, to Manila, to Moscow and points in between – placing demands on the rich and powerful and to look forward to a day without exploitation or oppression.