Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Fabian Van Onzin

Protest in support of low-wage workers at Houston Wal-Mart.

Houston, TX – Over 20 activists protested outside of Wal-Mart in Memorial Heights, Nov. 27, to stand with low-wage workers in their struggle to for a $15 wage, health benefits and a pension. Wal-Mart is one of the most exploitative companies in the U.S. It pays its workers almost nothing, provides them with few benefits and makes them work under the constant threat of being fired. The protest was organized by the National Organization for Women (NOW), which organizes the demonstration each year on Black Friday.


By Fabian Van Onzin

Houston protesters demand $15 minimum wage

Houston, TX – Close to 1000 people protested outside of a busy McDonalds restaurant here, April 15, to demand a $15 per hour minimum wage. As the large crowd marched from the University of Houston, a dozen police on horseback lined the median of Elgin Street. Upon arriving to rally in the parking lot, 15 more police guarded the entrances to the McDonalds.


By Redacción

Trabajadores de comida rapida en Tucson luchan por $15

Tucson, AZ – Este pasado jueves 4 de Septiembre la ciudad de Tucson se integro al movimiento nacional “Fight for $15” o “La Lucha por el Sueldo Mínimo”. Este creciente movimiento obrero está luchando actualmente por el objetivo de sindicalizar a los trabajadores de la industria de comida rápida y lograr incrementar el salario mínimo a $15 dólares la hora. El Sindicato SEIU (Service Employees International Union por sus siglas en ingles) está jugando un papel fundamental para impulsar nacionalmente este movimiento; el cual ya tiene presencia y se encuentra activo en grandes ciudades tales como Nueva York, Chicago, Atlanta, entre otras.

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