Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Vigil for Mexican farm workers killed in Florida auto accident.  | Fight Back! News/staff

Apopka, FL – On Wednesday, May 15, more than 40 community members gathered to mourn the tragic loss of eight Mexicano migrant workers killed in an automobile accident early Tuesday morning. The vigil was held at the local headquarters of the Farmworkers Association of Florida.


By Mantak Singh

Students march in support of farmworkers.

Seattle, WA – On Friday, March 31, Students for Farm Workers led a demonstration of more than 150 people starting from the steps of the Suzzallo Library in the middle of University of Washington-Seattle campus to the Husky Union Building.


By Annabelle Chapman

Tallahassee, FL – On, July 20, the student government of Florida State University passed Resolution 45, “A Resolution to bring attention to the Fair Food Program,” in what comes as a major victory in the national Boycott Wendy’s campaign. The university’s Student/Farmworker Alliance had been pushing for this resolution since it formed as a chapter in 2020. Their reasoning is simple – Wendy’s is profiting off of farmworker exploitation.


By staff

Florida protest demands justice for farmworkers.

St. Petersburg, FL – Over 3000 farmworkers and supporters from around the country gathered at Bartlett Park, March 21, then marched to demand workers’ rights. Some chants heard during the march were, “Up, up with the fair food nation! Down, down, with the exploitation!”, “One, we are the people! Two, a little bit louder! Three, we want justice for farmworkers!” and “J-U-S, J-U-S-T-I-C-E is what we want, is justice for Immokalee!”


By Preston Gilmore

Nashville protest slams Publix.

Clarksville, TN – In six cities across the state of Tennessee on July 20, people held pickets and delivered letters to Publix managers urging the Publix grocery store chain to join the Fair Food Program that would improve wages and working conditions for tomato pickers in Florida.


By Redacción

Marchan por los derechos de los trabajadores en el campo

Lakeland, Florida – La Coalición de Trabajadores de Immokalee (Coalición), grupo que defiende los derechos de 4 mil trabajadores de tomate en Florida, tuvo una mega protesta de alrededor de 1000 personas, que tomaron las calles y marcharon 10 kilómetros para exigirle a la compañía de Florida, Publix, que respete sus derechos laborales.

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By staff

Marching for rights of farmworkers

Lakeland, FL – About 1000 people took to the streets here, March 17, marching six miles to the Publix Supermarket headquarters.