Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Redacción

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Minneapolis, MN – Sobre los resultados electorales del 9 de noviembre, el secretario político de la Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad (FRSO) Steff Yorek dijo “Trump es un tóxico promotor de ataques racistas anti-inmigrante y anti-musulmán, como también es un enemigo de las mujeres. Su campaña populista de derecha atrajo a todas las fuerzas reaccionarias y retrogradas del país. Como predicador de la avaricia, no hay duda que hará cuanto esté en su poder para beneficiar a los multimillonarios como él. Trump no es nuestro presidente y tenemos que hacer todo lo posible para hundir su administración con una marea de lucha y resistencia. Debemos hacer que el país sea ingobernable”.

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By Matt Boynton

Demands that university president be fired

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A group of more than 50 students, led by Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), took over the first floor of Coffman Memorial Union, the University of Minnesota’s student center, for a public demonstration and teach-in on issues of inequalities in education mid-day on Nov. 9.


By Michael Graham

Asheville, NC – Over 400 people came out for a protest Nov. 12 against President-elect Donald Trump. The protest was put together by Freedom Road Socialist Organization organizers Charla Schlueter and Sarah Graham and was the third day in a row for protests here.


By staff

Tucson, AZ – More than 300 people gathered on Nov. 12, joining the wave of protests across the country with loud and clear messages of rejection of the new president-elect Donald Trump and his agenda of right-wing hate and repression.


By Kat Sanchez

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Thousands of protesters took to the streets here, at 8 p.m., Nov. 9, chanting, “Say it loud, say it clear! Immigrants are welcome here!” and “Women's rights are human rights,” and “He’s not our president!” Protesters climbed buildings at the Civic Center and waved Mexican flags.


By S. Sanchez

When the outcome became clear election night, activists in the fight against against police crimes and for Black liberation created a Facebook event calling for a protest Nov. 9. The event garnered near 6.5K invites in 12 to 24 hours of individual organizing. It wasn’t attributed to a single organization but occurred through the mass movement. Some of the organizations represented at the demonstration were Black Lives Matter Saint Paul, AR14, Twin Cities Coalition for Justice, Black Liberation Project, Justice for Marcus Golden and Freedom Road Socialist Organization, along with many others not affiliated with groups.


By Meredith Aby

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Over 50 people gathered to protest the future foreign policy of a Trump administration on the Lake Street/Marshall Avenue bridge which spans the Mississippi River between Minneapolis and Saint Paul.


By staff

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Commenting on the outcome of the elections, Nov. 9, Freedom Road Socialist Organization’s Political Secretary Steff Yorek stated, “Trump is a toxic promoter of racist anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim attacks. He is an enemy of women. His right-wing populist campaign was a magnet that drew of everything reactionary and backwards in this county. As preacher of the gospel of greed, there is no doubt he will do everything in his power to improve the lot of billionaires like himself. He is not our president. We need to do everything we can to drown his administration in a high tide of struggle and fightbacks. We should aim to make this country ungovernable.”


By staff

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Thousands of people are taking to the streets of Chicago tonight, Nov. 9, to express their outrage with president-elect Donald Trump. Trump is promoting racist anti-immigrant, misogynist and anti-Muslim attacks. Other protests are being planned across the country.

#ChicagoIL #US #PeoplesStruggles #Elections #2016Elections #DumpTrump

By Charla Schlueter

1000 demonstrate at Trump campaign stop in Asheville, NC

Asheville, NC – With just a few days notice, 1000 protesters filled the streets on Aug. 12 to protest Republican nominee Donald Trump. “We wanted to make it clear that his bigotry and lies are not welcome in area code 828,” said community member Ken Hurley. “I am just appalled that this racist ass is considered a viable electoral option.”