Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Miami protest demands no to U.S. intervention in Venezuela.

Doral, FL- Fifty passionate activists gathered on a sidewalk across from the Univision TV station in Miami, January 26, to denounce U.S. attempts to overthrow the democratically-elected government in Venezuela. The protest targeted the overt and illegal coup plans being hatched by Donald Trump and the U.S government, and media stations like Univision and CNN who continue to spread propaganda pushing for intervention and regime change.


By staff

Anti-war protesters oppose war on Korea  at Trump resort in Miami.

Doral, FL- On Nov. 11, fifteen protesters gathered outside of Trump National Golf Resort in Doral to demand no military action against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (north Korea). Activists called on Trump to end his warmongering, close the bases, remove U.S troops from along the Korean border, and stop all U.S military exercises taking place in and around the Korean peninsula.


By Cassia Laham

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Doral, FL – About 40 activists marched from Trump National Resort in Doral to U.S. Southern Command, June 25, to demand that President Trump shut down Guantanamo Bay prison. The prison currently holds 41 detainees, 26 of whom have not been charged or tried for any crimes and five of whom have been cleared for release.


By Cassia Laham

Protest demands the closure of the U.S. prisons at Guantanamo Bay

Doral, FL- In spite of pouring rain, nearly 70 people took to the streets near Miami, Jan. 11 demanding the immediate closure of the U.S. prisons at Guantanamo Bay. The march took place on the 13th anniversary since the prison doors at Guantanamo Bay Detention center first opened. Protesters marched for over a mile on the busy streets of South Florida’s industrial district until they arrived at the gates of U.S. Southern Command, the headquarters and control center for Guantanamo Bay.


By Fern

Michael Sampson and Cassia Laham lead the marchers to U.S. Southern Command in

Doral, FL – Over 100 protesters rallied near U.S. Southern Command here, Jan. 11, to demand an end to the torture and abuse being carried out in Guantanamo Bay. Many of the protesters came from nearby cities like Fort Lauderdale and Miami, and some came from as far away as California and Michigan to demand that President Obama close down Guantanamo Bay for good.

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