Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Minneapolis march on one year anniversary of Trump taking power.

Minneapolis, MN – Several hundred protesters marched through the streets of Minneapolis chanting “Refugees are welcome here,” on Jan. 20th, the one-year anniversary of Trump taking office. Protesters included participants from last year’s women’s march with pink pussycat hats, immigrants, members of the anti-war and anti-police brutality movements, and children. The protest was organized by the Minnesota Anti-War Committee.


By Brad Sigal

Resist deportations and continue fight for legalization for all

Minneapolis, MN – On Jan. 8, President Trump announced the end of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for around 200,000 Salvadorans living in the United States. TPS for Salvadorans will be phased out in 18 months. This comes after Trump has already ended TPS for Haitians and Nicaraguans, and soon Hondurans will almost surely lose TPS as well. While the loss of TPS for any country is an injustice, the number of Salvadorans with TPS is more than all other nationalities combined.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – Yisrael Katz, the Israeli politician who wants to name a future Jerusalem train station after President Trump, is well known for a past statement calling for the “civil targeted killings “of activists who advocate for boycotting, sanctions and divestment from the apartheid state of Israel.


By staff

Saint Paul, MN – Trump’s announcement to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem and recognize it as Israel’s capital is widely opposed internationally, including by the 57-member states of the Organization of the Islamic Conference. Palestinians are calling for three days of rage and people of conscience across the world are joining in. Women Against Military Madness (WAMM) will protest Trump’s unjust, illegal action on Friday Dec. 8, 4:30 p.m., at Summit and Snelling Avenues in Saint Paul.


By Bryn Dayton

4000 protest Trump’s plans to cut Bear’s Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante.

Salt Lake City, UT – Over 4000 people gathered in protest Dec. 2, on the stairs of the Utah State Capitol Building. They gathered in solidarity with the indigenous tribes, and in preparation of Trump’s visit on Dec. 4, when he is expected to announce the significant shrinking of two national monuments located in southern Utah; Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante. The rally was hosted by 16 different groups, mainly environmental non-profits, and indigenous groups such as PANDOS and Utah Diné Bikéyah. The event was preceded by a drum circle and dances.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following Nov. 16 statement from the Information Bureau of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP).


By staff

Militant protests slam Trump in Philippines.

Manila, Philippines – Massive demonstrations took place in the Manila, Nov. 13, as thousands of workers, students, faith-based communities and others are taking to the streets to condemn U.S. President Trump and his lackey, Philippine President Duterte.


By staff

Minneapolis protest against U.S. war on DPRK.

Minneapolis, MN – Over 50 people braved sub-freezing temperatures to join a Minneapolis protest on, Nov. 9 to speak out against a U.S. war on north Korea.


By staff

Washington​ D.C​ — Una​ de​ las​ más​ grandes​ victorias​ del​ 2012​ conquistadas​ por​ el​ movimiento de​ los​ derechos​ de​ los​ inmigrantes​ está​ siendo​ amenazada​ por​ el​ presidente​ Trump. El​ domingo​ 3​ de​ septiembre,​ el​ presidente​ Trump​ habló​ con​ el​ líder​ de​ la​ Cámara​ de Representantes​ Paul​ Ryan​ sobre​ la​ eliminación​ de​ DACA​ en​ los​ próximos​ seis​ meses.

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By Legalization For All (L4A)

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following press statement from the Legalization for All Network (L4A).