Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Redacción

Marcha en solidaridad con Cuba el 27 de julio en San Salvador

San Salvador, El Salvador – El 27-29 de julio 2017, 300 delegados de organizaciones de solidaridad con Cuba de los países de El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panamá, México y Colombia realizaron el II Encuentro Centroamericano de Solidaridad con Cuba. El Encuentro fue patrocinado por el Movimiento Salvadoreño de Solidaridad con Cuba, compuesto por varios comités de El Salvador que apoyan a Cuba socialista. El encuentro reafirmó la solidaridad con el pueblo y el gobierno socialista cubano.

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By staff

March in solidarity with Cuba July 27 in San Salvador

San Salvador, El Salvador – On July 27-29, 300 delegates from organizations in solidarity with Cuba from the countries of El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panamá, México and Colombia participated in the Second Central American Gathering in Solidarity with Cuba. The gathering was organized by the Salvadoran Movement in Solidarity with Cuba, which is made up of various committees throughout El Salvador in solidarity with socialist Cuba. The gathering reaffirmed solidarity with the Cuban people and socialist government.


By Redacción

Los Cinco Héroes cubanos hablan en la Universidad de El Salvador el 21 de julio

San Salvador, El Salvador – Los Cinco Héroes cubanos pasaron más de una década en las cárceles de los Estados Unidos, arrestados por el gobierno estadounidense a finales de los años 1990 por haber monitoreado grupos anticomunistas cubanos basados en Miami, Florida quienes han planificado actividades terroristas en contra de Cuba socialista. Los cinco recientemente ganaron su libertad de las cárceles de los Estados Unidos debido a una campaña mundial exigiendo su libertad. Regresaron a Cuba como héroes, todavía firmes en su dedicación a la revolución cubana. La decision del gobierno estadounidense para liberarlos fue uno de los primeros pasos en la restauración de las relaciones diplomáticas entre Cuba y los Estados Unidos.

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By staff

Cuban 5 speak at University of El Salvador July 21.

San Salvador, El Salvador – The Cuban 5 spent well over a decade in U.S. prisons, arrested by the U.S. government in the late 1990s for monitoring anti-communist Cuban groups based in Miami, Florida that have planned terror activities against socialist Cuba. The five were recently released from U.S. prisons in the face of a worldwide movement demanding their freedom. They returned to a heroes welcome in Cuba, unbroken and firm in their dedication to the Cuban revolution. Their release by the U.S. government was an early move in the renewing of diplomatic relations between Cuba and the U.S.


By Fight Back! Editors

We celebrate the release of the Cuban Five – political prisoners held by the U.S. government for 16 years. Their freedom also marks a positive change in relations between the U.S. government and Cuba. Many anti-war and international solidarity activists who worked towards their release are raising their glasses to toast this victory!


By Committee to Stop FBI Repression

A solidarity statement by the Committee to Stop FBI Repression

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Committee to Stop FBI Repression


By staff

Struggle continues to free Gerardo, Ramón, Antonio and Fernando

Miami, FL – On May 3, René González, one of the Cuban 5, finally won his freedom from the U.S. prison system when a judge ruled that he could move back to Cuba. González had already served an unjust sentence of more than 13 years in U.S. prisons. He was then was forced to stay in Miami another year and a half on parole. González was greeted as a hero on his return to Cuba, which has waged a determined campaign to win freedom for the Cuban 5.


By staff

Chicago, IL – Fight Back! is circulating a letter of greetings to the Chicago 20th Annual People’s Thanksgiving, sent by Gerardo Hernandez, of the Cuban 5. He is currently serving two life terms in federal prison. The letter includes a reference to Sarah Smith, one of the 23 anti-war and international solidarity activists who were subpoenaed to a grand jury investigating “material support for terrorism.”


By Ileana Gadea

Desde la prisión federal de Victorville, California, Gerardo Hernández envía un mensaje a todos aquellos que apoyan la lucha en favor de la liberación de los cinco cubanos: “Nuestra alegría y felicitaciones a todos nuestros compañeros y compañeras cuya solidaridad ha hecho posible este triunfo”. Al comentar el fallo emitido el 9 de agosto por la corte del Onceno Circuito, que revoca las sentencias y ordena un nuevo juicio fuera de Miami, Hernández reitera su firme convicción en la victoria.

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By Ileana Gadea

Creciente apoyo en favor de su causa

Los cinco

San Francisco, CA – El próximo 10 de marzo en el Onceno Circuito de la Corte de Apelaciones tendrá lugar en la ciudad de Miami la audiencia pública en el caso de los cinco cubanos acusados de conspiración para cometer espionaje. Los abogados defensores de Ramon Labanino, Gerardo Hernández, Fernando González, Antonio Guerrero y René González contarán solamente con tres minutos por cada acusado, para responder a las 24 aspectos de la apelación que será escuchada por un panel de tres jueces.

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By Ileana Gadea

From the Federal Penitentiary in Victorville, where he is currently serving two life sentences, Gerardo Hernandez is sending a joyous message of gratitude to the supporters of the campaign to free the Five: “It is the solidarity of the people which has made this victory possible.” Commenting on the Aug. 9 decision by the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals to revoke the sentences and to order a new trial, Hernandez, one of the Cuban Five, expresses his belief that the victory is certain.


By Ileana Gadea

The Miami 5, Cuban political prisoners held in the U.S.

On Mar. 9, the five Cubans – Gerardo Hernández, Antonio Guerrero, Ramón Labañino, René González, and Fernando González – unjustly imprisoned in various federal prisons across the United States on charges of terrorism and espionage, challenged the United Nations Human Rights Commission in Geneva to break the wall of silence that surrounds their case.


By Ileana Gadea

International Support Grows

Fight Back! News/Staff

On March 10, the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Miami will hold a hearing on the case of the five Cuban nationals imprisoned in the U.S. on charges of conspiracy to commit espionage. In truth, the five were working to thwart efforts of anti-Cuba terrorists. The attorneys for Ramon Labanino, Gerardo Hernandez, Rene Gonzalez, Antonio Guerrero and Fernando Gonzalez will have only three minutes for each of the defendants to present the 24 aspects of the appeal, which will be heard by a panel of three judges.


By Ileana Gadea

San Francisco, CA – The Miami Five are five Cuban nationals – Fernando González, Gerardo Hernández, Antonio Guerrero, Ramón Labañino and René González. On June 8, 2001, they were convicted by the Federal District Court in Miami on charges ranging from espionage, to failure to register as agents of a foreign government, to conspiracy to commit murder.

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