Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Grand Rapids, MI – Tom Burke, a spokesperson for the Committee to Stop FBI Repression,condemned the 35-year sentence that was handed down against whistleblower Bradley Manning.


By staff

Tallahassee, FL – On July 16, around 100 members of the youth civil rights organization Dream Defenders flooded the Florida Capitol and marched to the office of Governor Rick Scott. Their demand was simple: Justice for Trayvon Martin and pass Trayvon's Law.


By staff

Demands: ‘Justice for Trayvon’ and resignation of state attorney

First day of ‘Walk for Dignity’

Jacksonville, FL – Even the summer afternoon rain couldn’t stop more than 25 activists from meeting in downtown Jacksonville’s Hemming Plaza, July 22, to begin a five-day walk to Sanford, Florida. Activists took the first steps in the “Walk for Dignity – Enough is Enough” event, demanding justice for Trayvon Martin and the resignation of State Attorney Angela Corey, who prosecuted the George Zimmerman case.


By Dave Schneider

Justice for Trayvon Martin

Jacksonville, FL – When the nearly all white jury returned with a not guilty verdict in the George Zimmerman trial, people all around the U.S. were outraged. Outside the courtroom in Sanford, Florida some 200 protesters gathered up and issued a united call for nationwide protests, which was answered in the coming days by activists across the country.


By Chris Manor

Salt Lake City protest demands justice for Trayvon Martin.

Salt Lake City, UT – Over 30 protesters gathered here, July 20, to answer Reverend Al Sharpton's call for 100 protests in 100 cities. They protested the not guilty verdict in the trial of George Zimmerman as he was acquitted of murdering Trayvon Martin.


By staff

Organizers gather behind the banner waiting to be interviewed.

Gainesville, FL – On July 20, 50 activists, faith leader, and community members held a noon vigil outside the Alachua County Courthouse. They gathered to demand the U.S. Department of Justice file charges against George Zimmerman for violating the civil rights of Trayvon Martin. The action was part of the #100citytrayvon initiative by the Reverend Al Sharpton.


By staff

Ross Pusey speaking

San José, CA – A week after the acquittal of George Zimmerman, another rally and march drew more than 250 people, three times the size of the week before. The protest continued to be majority African American with a large number of Chicanos, Mexicanos and Latinos. Many of the protest signs were in Spanish. There were also more middle-aged and older people and a sprinkling of families with children at the rally. At the top of the demand list was that the Department of Justice file civil rights violation charges against George Zimmerman.


By Matt Hastings

Michelle Benghtt of Tampa Bay SDS, Jared Hamil and Life Malcolm outside  of the

Tampa, FL – Two protests demanding justice for Trayvon Martin and that the Department of Justice (DOJ) charge George Zimmerman with violating Martin’s civil rights occurred here July 19 and 20.


By staff

Milwaukee immigrant rights activists protesting outside Senator Ron Johnson’s of

Milwaukee, WI – On May 30, activists from Youth Empowered in the Struggle (YES) and Voces de la Frontera organized a rally of 200-plus outside the Federal Court House in downtown Milwaukee. Inside, Senator Ron Johnson met with delegates from Milwaukee’s Mexican and Latino community to discuss his position on immigration reform.


By staff

FSU student Michael Sampson leads a militant march against the murder of Trayvon

Tallahassee, FL – More than 200 students from Florida State University (FSU) marched on the streets here, March 26, to demand justice for Trayvon Martin. The marched started off at the FSU Integration Statue with organizer of the march, Michael Sampson, reflecting on “why we are marching for justice.”


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – On March 8, President Obama signed the Federal Restricted Building and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011. This bill has been called the “anti-Occupy bill” and it specifically targets protests at national security events where the Secret Service is in charge.


By Foster Richards

Major League Baseball’s place in the history of the battle for equality and civil rights is an embarrassment. Black ballplayers were banned from the major leagues for over 75 years until 1947 when Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier. Nothing can make that right, but people of conscience are demanding that Major League Baseball (MLB) move the 2011 All-Star Game from its currently scheduled site in Arizona to “Anywhere else!” in protest of the recent passage of the racist anti-immigrant SB1070.


By Naomi Nakamura

Berkeley, CA – Tuesday, November 4, 2008 was a bittersweet evening for me. The sweetness came first, as I was driving my daughter home from a play rehearsal when I heard that Barack Obama had won the election for President of the United States. Later that evening the feeling faded as I watched the news showing that California Proposition 8, which banned same-sex marriage, was heading towards a narrow victory.

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