Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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San Jose commemoration of the Chicano Moratorium.  | Fight Back! News/staff

San José, CA – On August 31, Silicon Valley Immigration Committee held San José’s 54th Chicano Moratorium commemoration at the San José Peace and Justice Center.

Around 50 people heard speakers on the August 29, 1970 Chicano Moratorium and other issues related to the Chicano liberation and anti-war movements. The keynote speaker was Carlos Montes, co-founder of the Brown Berets, Freedom Road Socialist Organization Central Committee member, and co-chair of the FRSO Chicano, Latino and Other Oppressed Nationalities Commission.


By staff

Los Angeles marks the 54th anniversary of the Chicano Moratorium.

East Los Angeles, CA – On Saturday, August 24, around 200 Chicano activists and community members came out to Rúben Salazar Park to commemorate the 54th anniversary of the Chicano Moratorium.


By Jonathan Staub

Celebration of Chicano Moratorium in Tacoma, Washington.  | Fight Back! News/staff

Tacoma, WA – On Friday, August 30, about 20 people gathered in person and online to celebrate the 54th anniversary of the historic Chicano Moratorium, at an event hosted by Freedom Road Socialist Organization. The commemoration was held in a community organizing space shared by the Black Panther Party of Washington, 350 Tacoma, La Resistencia and other local groups.

The event kicked off with a presentation by local organizer Jami Cortez. During the presentation, the history of the events that led up to the moratorium where highlighted.


By Emma Gottfried

Orange County commemoration of the Chicano Moratorium.   | Staff/Fight Back! News

Santa Ana, CA – On August 10, nearly 40 people packed into the Studio of El Centro Cultural de México to hear five panelists speak on a wide range of topics affecting Chicanos. This event, commemorating the 54th Chicano Moratorium, was organized by Community Service Organization Orange County (CSO OC).

Before the panel began, Diana Terreros, a founding member of CSO OC, led a chant to honor and remember the name of Abigail Lopez, who was tragically murdered at the hands of Anaheim Police Department in 2023.


By staff

Carlos Montes speaking at San Jose FRSO event commemorating the Chicano Moratorium

San Jose, CA – On August 29, the San Jose Freedom Road Socialist Organization and other groups held a commemoration for the 53rd anniversary of the Chicano Moratorium, with veteran activist Carlos Montes as a guest speaker.


By staff

Luis Sifuentes speaking with the family of David Ordaz Jr. on stage at Chicano M

East Los Angeles, CA – On Saturday, August 26, over 300 people, mostly Chicano, gathered at Salazar Park in East Los Angeles for the 53rd Chicano Moratorium. Led by Centro CSO and other allied organizations, speakers both commemorated the 53rd anniversary of the protest that took place at the same location on August 29, 1970 and highlighted the ongoing struggle for Chicano self-determination. Demands included legalization for all of the undocumented, community control of the sheriffs, no U.S./NATO wars, and protection of public education.


By staff

53rd Chicano Moratorium

Los Angeles , CA – Organizers of the event commemorating the 53rd anniversary of the 1970 Chicano Moratorium will be holding a cultural, political teatro and music, free event for the public. This year’s event will take place Saturday, August 26 at Ruben Salazar Park in East Los Angeles. It will begin at 4 p.m. and end at about 6 p.m. All participants are encouraged to bring their own lawn chair or blankets to enjoy the program.


By staff

Dallas, TX – In a response to the call to action by the Legalization for all Network, on August 27, a protest marked the 52nd anniversary of the Chicano Moratorium by speaking out in defense of the local immigrant community.


By staff

Dr. Rocio Rivas speaking at Chicano Moratorium.

Los Angeles, CA – Over 100 Chicanos and other participants gathered for a rally at Salazar Park in East Los Angeles to commemorate the 52nd anniversary of the 1970 Chicano Moratorium. In 1970, 30,000 people once demanded a stop to the Vietnam War and an end to discrimination and racism. The LAPD and LA Sheriff's Department teargassed and beat protesters. Their actions led to the deaths of three Chicanos, including LA Times reporter Ruben Salazar.


By Sol Márquez

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Los Angeles, CA – Plans are underway to commemorate the 52nd anniversary of the August 29, 1970 Chicano Moratorium, which demanded a stop to the Vietnam War and an end to discrimination and racism. Over 30,000 Chicanos and supporters gathered in East LA at then-Laguna Park. The same park is now named after Ruben Salazar, who was killed by authorities that day. Salazar was a well-known and proud Chicano news producer and journalist. Since 1970, many have honored and continued with the legacy started at the Chicano Moratorium.


By Sol Márquez

Members of Les Malinches leading Los Angeles march on Whittier Blvd.

Los Angeles, CA – Hundreds took to the streets on August 29 to commemorate the 1970 Chicano Moratorium that took place 51 years ago. The Chicano Moratorium demanded an end to the war in Vietnam and an end to discrimination against Chicanos.


By staff

LA press conference demands justice, urges community to join August 29 protest.

Los Angeles, CA – Local activists with the Chicanx Moratorium Committee and families who have lost loved ones to LA Sheriff's killings held a press conference on August 5, to denounce Sheriff Villanueva, call for his ouster and urge participation in a protest on August 29.


By staff

Los Angeles, CA – August 29, 2020 marked the 50th anniversary of the Chicano Moratorium against war, racism and police brutality. Here is a short video of highlights of the march and rally. The chant of “Chicano power! Chicana power!” rang out in East Los Angeles.


By Sol Márquez

LA march marks 50th anniversary of Chicano Moratorium.

East Los Angeles, CA – Thousands took to the streets in East Los Angeles on August 29 to mark the 50th anniversary of the Chicano Moratorium. The 1970 Chicano Moratorium was against the Vietnam War and racist conditions Chicanos lived with. From a caravan which started early in the morning to a double rally and march, Chicanos from all over the country once again attended the historic events on what is now recognized as National Chicano Liberation Day. Banners and posters called for the jailing of killer cops, community control of police, an end to racism, sexism, U.S. wars, and denounced Trump.


By staff

Plaque in La Raza Park, Denver, CO.

Denver, CO – On August 29, over 100 people gathered in La Raza Park in Denver to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Chicano Moratorium and to express solidarity with current movements against police brutality and for social justice.


By staff

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Los Angeles, CA – A commemoration event honoring the 1970 Chicano moratorium will take place in Boyle Heights, Thursday, August 29, 6 to 9 p.m., at Self Help Graphics, 1300 E. First Street, Los Angeles.


By Sol Márquez

Gloria Arellanes speaking at commemoration of Chicano Moratorium.

Los Angeles, CA – On Aug. 29, the strong and inspirational Gloria Arellanes spoke at the Centro CSO yearly Chicano Moratorium commemoration, held at Self Help Graphics. Arellanes, who is a proud Chicana and Tongva, spoke about her invaluable experiences while building the Chicano movement for self-determination and liberation.


By staff

LA teachers take strike authorization vote

LA Commemoration of Chicano Moratorium.

Los Angeles, CA – The featured speaker at this year’s commemoration of the historic 1970 Chicano Moratorium against the War was United Teachers of LA (UTLA) chapter chair at Marvin Avenue Elementary School and longtime Centro CSO member Lupe Torres.


By staff

Celebración del 48 aniversario de la Moratoria Chicana en LA.

Los Ángeles, CA – Familias, sindicalistas, maestros, activistas y estudiantes llenaron la casa en el centro local de arte chicano, Self Help Graphics, el 29 de agosto, para conmemorar el 48 aniversario de la Moratoria chicana contra la guerra. El programa honró la histórica moratoria chicana del 29 de agosto de 1970, donde más de 30,000 chicanos marcharon en el este de Los Ángeles para protestar por la alta tasa de víctimas muertos de los chicanos en la guerra de Vietnam. El conocido periodista Rubén Salazar fue asesinado por un alguacil del LA durante las protestas.

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By staff

Celebration of the 48th anniversary of the Chicano Moratorium in LA.

Los Angeles, CA – Families, union members, teachers, activists and students filled the house at local Chicano art center, Self Help Graphics, Aug. 29, to commemorate the 48th anniversary of the Chicano Moratorium Against the War. The program honored the historic Aug. 29, 1970 Chicano Moratorium, where over 30,000 Chicanos marched in East LA to protest the high casualty rate of Chicanos in the Vietnam War. Well-known journalist Ruben Salazar was killed by a n LA sheriff deputy during the protests.

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