Chicago, IL – One month after the historic protests against NATO, activists from across Chicago and even Milwaukee gathered in the shadow of the McCormick Place, site of the NATO summit, on June 30, for a discussion on the lessons of the NATO protests. The event was held at Trinity Episcopal Church and sponsored by Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO).
Chicago, IL – The Reverend Errol Narain and the congregation of Trinity Episcopal Church are extending open arms to protesters who will be marching against NATO this month.
Minneapolis, MN – On April 16, the Minnesota Anti-War Committee hosted Joe Iosbaker, one of the principle organizers of the Coalition Against NATO/G8 War & Poverty Agenda (CANG8), in the Twin Cities. CANG8 is organizing a massive protest in Chicago May 20, at the opening of the NATO Summit.
Chicago, IL – After losing an appeal for a preferred march route for the May 20 protest at the NATO summit in Chicago, activists held a press conference, March 30, to criticize the city and announce their next steps.
Chicago, IL – As part of the pressure campaign to stop Mayor Emanuel from restricting the freedom to assemble, the Interfaith Committee of the Coalition Against NATO/G8 War & Poverty Agenda (CANG8) circulated the following statement to faith leaders in the Chicago area. The letter with the signatures of 35 prominent ministers and faith leaders was presented to Mayor Emanuel's office Wednesday morning, Jan. 18, just before the opening of the City Council meeting.
Fight Back News Service is circulating the following joint statement from the Coalition Against NATO/G8 War & Poverty Agenda (CANG8) and Occupy Chicago on the Jan. 18 vote by the Chicago City Council.Joint statement by Coalition Against NATO/G8 War & Poverty Agenda (CANG8) and Occupy Chicago
_Struggle continues against “Sit Down and Shut Up” ordinance _
Chicago, IL – Over 50 people gathered in City Hall, Jan. 17, to speak out against plans by Mayor Rahm Emanuel to restrict the right to protest. They held a press conference, and then proceeded to pack into two consecutive hearings held by City Council committees.
Chicago, IL – The City of Chicago bowed to pressure from a growing movement against war and cutbacks. After months of denying organizers permits to protest , the Public Building Commission of Chicago wrote that, “…yes, Daley Plaza will be open to public assembly and public activity during the G8/NATO Summits in May 2012.”
Chicago, IL – NATO and the G8 will meet in Chicago in five months. A broad coalition of groups, including Occupy Chicago, is supporting a call for permits to march when all the heads of state are in town.
Chicago, IL- After months of avoiding organizers planning the protests against the NATO and G8 Summit next spring, Mayor Rahm Emanuel finally got an earful Dec. 13. Thirty people from the Coalition Against NATO/G8 War & Poverty Agenda (CANG8) packed a meeting of the Public Building Commission (PBC), which Emanuel chairs. Joe Iosbaker, Andy Thayer and Newland Smith of CANG8 all spoke to the commissioners and pressed the demands for permits to march on the summits of bankers, generals and politicians.
Chicago, IL – The U.S. State Department and City of Chicago officially announced Dec. 8 that the May 2012 meetings of NATO and the G8 will be held at McCormick Place in Chicago.
Chicago, IL – The Occupy Chicago movement and the Coalition Against NATO/G8 War & Poverty Agenda (CANG8) came together 150 strong, Oct. 26, to defend the right to protest against war and corporate greed.