Fight Back! News

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SDS mobilizes for march on the Republican National Convention

By Mick Kelly

Chrisley Carpio of Students for a Democratic Society \[SDS\].   | Staff/Fight Back! News

Minneapolis, MN – Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) chapters from around the U.S. are mobilizing for the massive July 15 march on the Republican National Convention.

Chrisley Carpio of National SDS states, “Whether they are banning abortion, public sector unions, diversity programs, or even eliminating funds for public schools and higher education, Republicans like Trump make it clear every day that they stand against youth and students. Every attack they launch at our movements will be a fight, and in the end, we will destroy their entire agenda.”

Tampa Bay SDS’s Victoria Hinckley said, “National SDS is marching on the RNC to stand against their continued reactionary agenda against LGBTQ folks and women, Black, Chicano, Latino and Asian students, and now the movement for Palestine.”

Hinckley continued, “We’re going to be there to say we won’t back down in the face of these attacks.”

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