Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Salt Lake City activists celebrate with Fight Back! fundraiser

By Ian Decker

Fight Back! fundraising event in Salt Lake City

Salt Lake City, Utah – Twenty students and young working people gathered to celebrate and raise funds for Fight Back! on May 28. Activists gathered for a night of music, raffles, and fun, recognizing the contributions of activists to the people’s movements in Utah.

In one activity, Theresa Nielson wrote, “I read Fight Back! because it covers the people's struggle.”

The evening closed with a raffle where winners claimed revolutionary posters, Marxist books and literature, or Fight Back! flags. The fundraiser netted $220, which will ensure that Fight Back! can continue to cover the people's struggle in Salt Lake City and elsewhere for a long time to come.

#SaltLakeCityUT #FightBack #Socialism

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