Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Philippine progressive forces urge disaster assistance

By National Democratic Front of the Philippines

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following letter from the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) urging support for the victims of tropical storm Ondoy/Ketsana.

Dear Friends,

Warm greetings of solidarity!

The Philippines has been struck by the devastating tropical storm Ondoy/Ketsana last 26 September 2009. The storm, the worst in 40 years, brought catastrophic damage to the Filipino people. As of 29 September the death toll was 240 with a big number of people reported still missing and 329,000 families or 1,872,036 people affected.

The National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) expressed its deepest sympathy with the millions of people displaced by widespread flooding and landslides in many places in Metro Manila and 23 provinces.

In the face of the Arroyo government's utter negligence and inability to mobilize enough resources with dispatch for the necessary rescue and rehabilitation efforts, millions of Filipinos are now voluntarily contributing various amounts and other forms of assistance to help alleviate the sufferings of the calamity victims.

In unity with these efforts, the revolutionary movement has called on its forces to exert all possible effort in helping the victims of the devastation. Thus, revolutionary mass organizations and other progressive forces are mobilizing all available forces to set up relief and rehabilitation efforts in aid of the victims.

Red fighters of the New People's Army (NPA), particularly in the Southern Tagalog and Central Luzon provinces, are being tasked to carry out efforts to assist the peasant masses in coping with the destruction of their homes and livelihood and rebuilding from their losses. Tactical offensives in the affected areas are to be held off for the next few days as local NPA units concentrate on relief and rehabilitation and in supporting the resumption of people' production and livelihood.

In line with this call, the NDFP International Office is asking your support to help the victims of the calamity especially in the affected NDFP areas. Food, clothing, medical, and construction materials and other supplies are very much needed. But due to the difficulty of sending materials to the Philippines, we are requesting you instead to give donations in cash. You can send your donations to:

Account Holder: NDF

Account No. 3945.70.642

t.a.v. Ondoy Victims Fund

IBAN:    NL70 RABO 0394 5706 42


Utrecht, The Netherlands

We thank you for your continuing support to the Filipino people.

Luis G. Jalandoni

Chief International Representative

National Democratic Front of the Philippines

#Philippines #NationalDemocraticFrontOfThePhilippines #NewPeoplesArmy #hurricane #TropicalStormOndoyKetsana #Asia

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