NDFP condemns Duterte for giving Israel’s IDF Nahal Brigade a role in his war against the people
Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from Luis G. Jalandoni, Chief International Representative, National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP).
The National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) strongly condemns the Duterte regime’s having the notorious Israel Defense Forces (IDF) give a specialized training by the Nahal Brigade of the IDF to 175 elite troops of the Philippine Army. This is despicable collaboration with Israeli Zionism, longtime partner of US imperialism, in horrendous acts of aggression against the Palestinian and Arab peoples.
Col. Dan Goldfus, commander of the Nahal Brigade, led a 10-man training team for two weeks at Fort Bonifacio in Taguig City. The IDF team gave a two-week training on so-called “anti-terrorism”. The special units included the Special Forces, First Scout Rangers and Light Reaction regiments and troops from the 2nd, 5th, 7th and 9th Infantry Divisions of the Philippine Army.
Philippine Army Chief Lt. Gen. Alberto Macairog honored Nahal Commander Col. Dan Goldfus with a plaque of appreciation.
The IDF’s Nahal Brigade, composed of 4 infantry battalions, has been involved in major wars launched by Israel against the Palestinian people, Lebanon, Syria. and others opposed to Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine, the Golan Heights, and other areas.
The Nahal Brigade has been part of Israel’s wars over the last 60 years: the Suez War of 1956, The Six-Day War of 1967; the First Lebanon War, 1982-1985; the First Intifada, 8 December 1987 – 13 September 1993; the Second Lebanon War, 34 days in 2006; the Gaza War, 27 December 2008 for 3 weeks; the Gaza War, “Operation Cast Lead”, 27 December 2008 for three weeks; and Operation Protective Edge, July 2014. Numerous casualties among civilians and tremendous damage to homes, health centers, etc. resulted from the Israeli wars.
With such a horrible record of crimes against humanity, the IDF and its Nahal Brigade must be condemned. Especially, the Duterte regime, which is both nationally and internationally denounced for its widespread human rights violations, must also be condemned for taking in the IDF and its Nahal Brigade to play a role in its anti-people, anti-national policies and programs.
Luis G. Jalandoni Chief International Representative
#Philippines #AntiwarMovement #OppressedNationalities #Asia #PeoplesStruggles #NationalDemocraticFrontOfThePhilippines #RodrigoDuterte #IDF
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