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Minnesota stands with the people of Haiti

By staff

Minnesota protest against U.S. intervention in Haiti. | Meredith Aby / Fight Back! News

St. Paul, MN – The MN Peace Action Coalition and Women Against Military Madness (WAMM) co-sponsored a vigil on the Marshal/Lake Street bridge over the Mississippi River on June 12 to draw attention to the role of the U.S, in Haiti. 30 people attended and they received many positive honks from rush hour drivers.

Sarah Martin, a member of the MN Peace Action Coalition and WAMM explained, “The U.S. is financing and orchestrating a multinational military occupation of Haiti which will be led by 1000 special forces from Kenya, with additional forces from numerous countries in Africa and the Caribbean. Foreign occupations and coups against progressive governments, like those against former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, deny self-determination to the people of Haiti, and have led to the violent chaos in Haiti today. It is important to support the right of the Haitian people to self-determination.”

Marcy Shapiro, a member of WAMM’s Solidarity Committee on the Americas, concurred, stating “ongoing U.S.policies and actions toward Haiti have brought the terrible devastation to the people of Haiti.”

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