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Minneapolis Parks workers reach tentative agreement after 23 days on strike

By staff

Workers are pictured from the back carrying signs that read "strike, strike strike"

Minneapolis, MN - On Friday July 26, after 23 days on strike, Minneapolis Parks workers, who are represented by the Laborers International Union of North America Local 363 (LIUNA 363) reached a tentative agreement on terms for a new contract with the Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board. 

The strike began after seven months of negotiations failed to reach an agreement that the park workers felt was worth voting for. Now with a tentative agreement reached, the park workers returned to their jobs on Monday July 29.

The agreement still has to be voted up by the membership of LIUNA 363. This week the union is holding information sessions at parks for members to come learn about the terms of the tentative agreement. LIUNA 363 says they believe the deal will be voted into place by the members.

Under the tentative agreement, Park Workers would receive 10.25% in pay increases over a three-year contract, with an additional $1.75 in step (longevity) increases for most workers.

The bargaining of the new contract was bitter and rough. By the end of the strike the workers had held rallies, picket lines, taken over a Park Board meeting, and passed a vote of no confidence by 98% of their membership - showing their dissatisfaction with the Park Board’s management.

Part of what made the workers fight back so hard in bargaining this year were anti-union proposals that the board was attempting to move at the bargaining table. Management wanted to make step increases contingent on performance, as seen in the eyes of the workers’ supervisors, rather than having step increases protected in the contract as guaranteed raises. Additionally, management wanted to set a limit on the number of union stewards in an attempt to limit the unions power to enforce its contract and represent its members effectively. 

After staying out on strike for over three weeks, those anti-union proposals were pulled off the table and neither of them made it in to the tentative agreement.

The park workers are expected to vote on the contract sometime next week.

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