Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

FRSO Salt Lake City celebrates May Day

By Matt Romrell

Salt Lake City, UT – On May 1, around 50 people gathered in Sugarhouse Park in Salt Lake City to celebrate International Workers Day with a barbecue and fundraiser hosted by the local chapter of The Freedom Road Socialist Organization. Members are raising money in conjunction with organizers across the country for the establishment of a FRSO national office.

As familiar faces and new friends talked and mingled under the Salt Lake sun, FRSO chapter members kept the crowd entertained with music, food and speeches. Between tending the grill and serving up food, member Nick Godfrey took to the microphone for a speech. “Let’s remember the reasons we gather for May Day and celebrate those labor heroes who made this holiday possible. Let’s be sure to celebrate in remembrance of the Haymarket Square martyrs and their struggle which we share today!”

After taking a look at the history of May Day and its beginnings with the labor movement, Godfrey passed the microphone to Utah Against Police Brutality member Adrian Romero. Romero stated, “We still need to fight every day as the capitalist system is creating a crisis right here, right now in Utah. We’ve got to put an end to the housing crisis and camp abatements our unsheltered community are dealing with every day.”

Under the pavilion there were books for sale and May Day themed artwork including posters and t-shirts designed by local FRSO member Derek Ballard. Money donated for the books and art was collected along with some donations for a gift basket raffle which was held as the speeches and barbecue wound down.

As the pavilion cleared and music faded the organizers spoke and laughed about the pleasures of being able to hold an event on May Day after the COVID-19 pandemic postponed the celebration last year.

“I’m happy we were able to finally do a barbecue and celebrate such an important day for all of us,” said Salt Lake City organizer Jade Arter.

#SaltLakeCityUT #PeoplesStruggles #FreedomRoadSocialistOrganization #internationalWorkersDay #Socialism

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