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Denver Anti-War Action combats space militarism with rally against Lockheed Martin

By staff

Pro-Palestine demonstration at Lockheed Martin.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Littleton, CO – On Wednesday, June 12, Denver Anti-War Action (DAWA) furthered their fight against Lockheed Martin with a rally outside the weapon manufacturer's Space Division headquarters in Colorado.

Dozens of protesters showed up between the hours of 3 and 6 p.m. as employees finished up with the workday. While vehicles lined up at the intersection to begin their commute home, protesters denounced the corporation for their contribution to the crimes against humanity being committed in Gaza.

Alongside chants and speeches, fliers detailing the horrific effects of carpet bombing and white phosphorus were given to those leaving the facility, forcing them to witness graphic images of the violence they ignore.

“The employees that work at this building get their salaries from blood money,” said Mat Hunsaker, a speaker with DAWA. “While Palestinians starve to death, they stock their fridges with groceries paid for with blood money. While Palestinians are living in tents, they pay their rent and mortgage with blood money from the U.S. and Israeli governments.”

“They say they don't make weapons of war here – that all they do is work on innocent satellites. They scoff and roll their eyes at us. They think we're ignorant, that we're misled, that they have nothing to do with the carnage the United States perpetuates,” said Raika Sailing, another DAWA organizer.

The satellites developed and built in the Space Division are far from innocent. Satellites were invented for the purpose of war and, true to their origin, aid Israel with the surveillance of Palestinians and aim of missiles. “But we're not the ignorant ones,” Sailing continued. “We're not the ones who turn a blind eye to genocide. We're the ones who make the genocide stop.”

Amongst the demands of DAWA’s Lockheed Martin campaign is the demand to end all material support to Israel. This includes not only weapons and fighter jets, but the space technology that is used in tandem with those weapons.

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