Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

reproductive rights

By J Martel

Protesters gather in front of U.S.Fifth Circuit Courthouse.

New Orleans, LA – Over 300 people protested outside of New Orleans’ Fifth Circuit Courthouse on May 3 in response to the leaked SCOTUS decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. The crowd opposed the political repression of bodily autonomy, and demanded right to access comprehensive reproductive care.


By staff

Marching for reproductive rights in Jacksonville, FL.

Jacksonville, FL – On May 4, over 1500 people gathered in front of the Jacksonville Courthouse to rally for reproductive rights. This rally was one of many rapid responses across the country fighting back against the threat to Roe v. Wade. Planned Parenthood, Women’s March, and the Jacksonville Community Action Committee (JCAC) worked in coalition to lead this event.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

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May 2, 2022


By staff

Tallahassee, FL- On February 17, around 12 a.m., members of Students for a Democratic Society and Tallahassee’s chapter of Planned Parenthood were given trespassing warnings for speaking up against HB 5, an abortion ban bill that limits abortions to the first 15 weeks of pregnancy. After HB5 was passed despite significant public opposition, organizers and students joined a chant denouncing the bill and were subsequently removed from the capitol.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

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On September 1, abortion became illegal in Texas, except in the very earliest stages of pregnancy. The handful of abortion providers in the state are now turning away most people seeking their services because they are not arriving early enough in their pregnancies. The law makes no exception for rape or incest, or for the age of the pregnant person.