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New Orleans protests leaked Roe v. Wade decision

By J Martel

Protesters gather in front of U.S.Fifth Circuit Courthouse.

New Orleans, LA – Over 300 people protested outside of New Orleans’ Fifth Circuit Courthouse on May 3 in response to the leaked SCOTUS decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. The crowd opposed the political repression of bodily autonomy, and demanded right to access comprehensive reproductive care.

“When we fight, we win!” The crowd chanted over the course of a few hours, filling the block with sounds of outrage.

Monday night, an anonymous source leaked an unpublished decision from the United States Supreme Court that would strike down Roe v. Wade. That same night, a coalition of groups in New Orleans released details of an action to stand up against this legal attack against abortion access.

“Politicians used the same network – that same coalition of conservatives, evangelicals, and bigots – that they used to attack trans people to attack reproductive rights,” said Serena Sojic-Borne, organizer of the Real Name Campaign and Freedom Road Socialist Organization.

Members of local political organizations spoke at the event, including individuals from the Louisiana Center for Reproductive Freedom, Workers Voice Socialist Movement, the Real Name Campaign, New Orleans for Accountability of the Police, Lift Louisiana, and Freedom Road Socialist Organization.

“Non-binary, trans folks also need abortions. I also want to acknowledge how far out of reach abortion access is already for so many people, especially in Louisiana,” said Jessica Frankel, the coalition coordinator of Louisiana Center for Reproductive Freedom.

Louisiana is one of 13 states – many of which are in the Black Belt South – with trigger laws that would completely criminalize any form of abortion in the event that Roe v. Wade is overturned. According to Frankel, Illinois would be the closest state with legal abortion in the event that abortion loses legal protection.

The people of New Orleans refuse to allow this attack on human rights. Another coalition action is planned for Saturday, May 7 at 5 p.m., across the street from Jackson Square.

#NewOrleansLA #RoeVWade #reproductiveRights

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