Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

People's Struggles

By Carlos Montes

The movement to stop charter schools in LA is scoring wins.

Los Angeles, CA – In a hotly debated September 26 Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) board meeting, a motion to mitigate the negative impact of charter school co-location on public schools passed by 4 yes to 2 no with 1 abstention. 


By Kim DeFranco

Protest at Minnesota State Capitol Building demands and end to the blockade on Cuba. | Photo credit: Kim DeFranco.

St. Paul, MN – On September 24, cars participated in the Women Against Military Madness’ Solidarity Committee of the Americas (SCOTA) and the MN Cuba Committee’s monthly car caravans to show solidarity with Cuba, demand an end to the 60-year blockade against Cuba and that Cuba be taken off the U.S.’ state sponsor of terrorism list.


By staff

Orlando educational event on the role of imperialism in Africa and Haiti.

Orlando, FL – On Saturday, September 16, around 45 community members gathered at Knowledge for Living in the Parramore district for an educational forum on U.S. and Western intervention in Haiti and West Africa. The event was hosted by the Revolutionary Education and Action League (REAL) and the Florida chapter of the All-African People's Revolutionary Party (A-APRP).


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization Orlando District

FRSO Orlando condemns the increasing far-right activity seen across Central Florida, including the two recent neo-Nazi demonstrations. The two rallies, one at Walt Disney World and the other at Cranes Roost in Altamonte Springs, were put on by multiple white supremacist neo-Nazi organizations as part of a larger Labor Day mobilization. The plan was exposed by the Anti-Defamation League multiple days before Labor Day, allowing the Orlando community to spread information about ways to fight back.


By Diego Gonzalez

Orlando rally against Governor Ron DeSantis’ dismissal of State Attorney Monique

Orlando, FL – On August 10, an emergency rally was held in Orlando to address Governor Ron DeSantis’ recent dismissal of State Attorney Monique Worrell.


By Taylor Cook

Atlanta protest demands justice for the Tampa 5

Atlanta, GA – On August 9, the Tampa 5’s third court date, Atlanta community members gathered to protest in demand that charges be dropped on the Tampa 5.


By staff

Protest in Jacksonville, FL against more money for the JSO.

Jacksonville, FL – On Wednesday July 20, local organizers rallied in favor of a People’s Budget, and against the proposed increase in the budget at the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office (JSO). They gathered outside of a townhall meeting scheduled by JSO Sheriff T.K. Waters at the Prime Osborn Convention Center.


By staff

Striking Teamstes at UPM Blandin Paper Company

Grand Rapids, MN – At 6 a.m., July 15, around 200 members of Teamsters Local 346 walked off their jobs at the UPM Blandin Paper Company and began a strike. Grand Rapids gets its name because it sits along the Mississippi River in northern Minnesota. The UPM Blandin paper plant was built in its location on the edge of the river to use the river to power its paper mill. The plant has been an established feature of the town’s economy since its founding in 1901. Now, for the first time in the history of the plant its workers have gone on strike.


By staff

Dallas, TX rally in support of the Tampa 5

Dallas, TX – On July 12, 30 organizers, activists and community members beat the 105-degree heat and joined in solidarity to seek justice for the Tampa 5, rallying at Dealey Plaza, on the day of the Five’s court appearance.


By staff

Pittsburgh, PA – United Steelworkers Local 4-200 announced today that 1700 members who work as nurses at Robert Woods Johnson New Brunswick have voted to grant the union the authority to call a strike.


By Zacharia Lutz

Minneapolis protest says 'no to NATO'

Minneapolis, MN – On July 11, about 40 protesters assembled in front of Senator Amy Klobuchar’s office to speak out against the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and its role in the war in Ukraine.


By staff

New Orleans, LA – On July 12, a dozen activists representing several organizations gathered on the steps of New Orleans City Hall to demand justice for the Tampa 5. That day, the five University of South Florida activists – Laura Rodriguez, Gia Davila, Lauren Pineiro, Jeanie Kida and Chrisley Carpio – faced trumped up felony charges in a Tampa court. Protesters demanded the charges unjustly leveled by District Attorney Susan Lopez against the five be dropped.


By Liz Rathburn

Chicago rallies during storms in solidarity with the Tampa 5.

Chicago IL – On July 12, despite heavy rain and tornado warnings, more than 50 people rallied in downtown Chicago to demand that the charges on the Tampa 5 be dropped. The protest was part of the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression National Day of Action for The Tampa 5’s second court date.


By staff

Fight Back! is circulating the following “Solidarity with the Tampa 5” resolution voted up by the union delegates to the West Central Florida Labor Council (WCFLC). President Jim Junecko of the WCFLC, AFL-CIO sent the resolution to Florida State’s Attorney Susan Lopez asking she direct Prosecutor Justin Diaz to drop the charges. Resolution in Solidarity with the Tampa 5


By Gareth Dawkins

Rally outside of Tampa 5's court appearance on July 12.

Tampa, FL– On July 12, a crowd of 50 people gathered at the Hillsborough County Courthouse. They were there to demand that DeSantis-appointed Florida State’s Attorney Susan Lopez and Florida State Prosecutor Justin Diaz drop the charges against the Tampa 5 – Chrisley Carpio, Laura Rodriguez, Gia Davila, Lauren Pineiro and Jeanie Kida.


By staff

Milwaukee, WI – The National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) began bargaining their national agreement with the United States Postal Service (USPS) in February 2023. Then union members heard no status update after May 21 – the date the current agreement expired. The current agreement remains in effect until a new negotiated date, but it is now July and members are worried.


By Iain McNeely

Protest at the White House in support of the Tampa 5

Washington, DC – On July 13, over 30 people gathered at the gates of the White House and joined at least 13 other cities in demanding, “Justice for the Tampa 5!” The Tampa 5 are five women from Tampa, Florida who were brutally arrested while staging a campus protest at the University of South Florida (USF).


By staff

Milwaukee, WI – After contested town halls, the Milwaukee Common Council has voted in favor of increasing the city’s sales tax by 2%. The vote was 12-3. As mandated by Wisconsin Act 12 (the Shared Revenue Bill), the revenue generated by this 2% sales tax increase can only be used to pay for the city’s pension obligations to the fire and police departments.


By Maya Garcia

Minneapolis, Minnesota protest against recent Supreme Court decisions.

Minneapolis, MN – 30 protesters gathered in front of Mayday Books in the West Bank neighborhood on July 8 to oppose the recent U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) decisions that end affirmative action, enable LBGTQ discrimination, and block student loan forgiveness.


By Carlos Montes

Local residents and Boyle Heights Neighborhood Council Board members.

Los Angeles, CA – On June 30, the Boyle Heights community turned out in mass at a Boyle Heights Neighborhood Council’s (BHNC) special meeting to protest and demand the neighborhood council vote no on a big market rate housing development project by Tiao LLC. Proposed in the heart of Boyle Heights on the Cesar Chavez Avenue and Chicago Street block, the six-story 50-unit housing complex would evict and displace many local tenants and businesses, one of whom is a family of four generations who have been living there for 30 years.

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