Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

palestine solidarity

By Committee to Stop FBI Repression

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following important statement from the Committee to Stop FBI Repression (CSFR). We urge all of our readers to share this statement as broadly as possible. Outrageous arrest in Chicago Stop the repression of Palestinian activists


By staff

The Anti-War Committee booth at Pride.

Minneapolis, MN – The Anti-War Committee had a big presence at the Pride celebration held here, June 29.


By Conor Munro

John Cline (left), Mick Kelly (center),  and Noor Elashi (right) speak out again

Gainesville, FL – On March 26, 60 students and community members gathered in Little Hall to hear three nationally known figures speak out against political repression. A packed house greeted Noor Elashi, John Cline, and Mick Kelly for the final date of their tour. Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) organized the event to learn about the wave of U.S. government repression against Muslims, Arab-Americans and anti-war activists.


By staff

Tallahassee, FL – More than 30 student activists from Florida State University (FSU) packed into a room in the Oglesby Student Union to hear Noor Elashi and other organizers speak about government repression, March 25. Holy Land 5 attorney John Cline joined Elashi on the panel, along with Mick Kelly, who was one of the 23 anti-war activists raided by the FBI in September, 2010.


By Kait McIntyre

Jonas is currently on case of anti-war and international solidarity activists

“Hands off our families, hands off our friends! Barry Jonas, this must end!” This chant rang out in front of DePaul’s College of Law in Chicago, where over 30 protesters gathered to denounce Assistant U.S. Attorney Barry Jonas’ speaking at an event titled, “Fighting Terrorism in the Courtroom,” about government targeting of charity organizations that send humanitarian aid to Palestinians, especially the Holy Land Foundation (HLF). The Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) chapter at DePaul raised the call, “Hey DePaul, let’s be clear – racists are not welcome here!” Other members of SJP organized a silent protest outside the door of the event, giving visual representation to how Palestinians are often silenced and reminding attendees of the killing of Palestinians at the hands of the Israeli military.


By mick

“There is no crime in supporting the Palestinian struggle for self-determination”

Hatem Abudayyeh at Minneapolis speaking event

Minneapolis, MN – A standing room only crowd of more than 125 people turned out here, Feb. 23, to hear Hatem Abudayyeh, a prominent Chicago-based Palestinian activist who talked about the growing struggle for the liberation of Palestine and the repression against Palestine solidarity activists here in the U.S.


By mick

Members of the MN Committee to Stop FBI Repression prepare post cards promoting

Minneapolis, MN – Members of the Minnesota Committee to Stop FBI Repression assembled here, Feb. 5, to prepare a mailing of over 900 post cards to its Twin Cities members, as part of outreach for a major speaking event featuring Palestinian activist Hatem Abudayyeh. Phone banks and mass leafleting events are planned for coming days.


By staff

Milwaukee teach in on "Occupy Wall Street, Not Palestine."

Milwaukee, WI – The Occupy movement and Palestine solidarity activists filled the room, Jan. 17, for the teach-in called “Occupy Wall Street, Not Palestine!”


By Grace Kelley

Hatem Abudayyeh speaking at April 9 anti war protest in New York City.

New York City, NY – Over 10,000 protesters gathered here at Union Square, April 9, to demand an end to U.S. wars and occupations in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine and Libya. Diverse organizations, including anti-war, labor and student groups across the country, united under slogans like, “Bring our war dollars home.”


By Meredith Aby

Minneapolis, MN - Over fifty protesters demonstrated on Monday, May 16, at the Hennepin County Government Center in Minneapolis, to commemorate the tragedy of Al-Nakba – Arabic for ‘the catastrophe.’ The demonstration was organized by the Anti-War Committee to mark the destruction of 415 Palestinian villages and the creation of almost 1 million Palestinian refugees between 1947 and 1950.