Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Dave Schneider

On Jan. 23, President Donald Trump signed an executive action withdrawing the U.S. from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal. Negotiated by then-president Barack Obama, the TPP would have standardized trade between the U.S., Japan, Mexico, and nine other countries in the Pacific Rim, lowering tariffs and regulations between countries to favor corporations. The agreement drew heavy criticism from labor unions and environmental groups, who argued the TPP would hurt workers and hamper efforts to address climate change.


By Ekim Kilic

Editor’s note: Fight Back! Is publishing the following commentary by Ekim Kilic that includes a wealth of information on the role of Turkey in Syria, which will be of interest to many readers. Given the rapid developments in Syria after the liberation of Alleppo from Western-backed sectarian forces, Fight Back! will have more coverage and commentary on the situation in upcoming weeks.


By Dave Schneider

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Every December, I put together my list of top 10 movies for the year. Usually I've missed a couple that would probably make the list, and this year is no different – The Birth of a Nation; Snowden and Weiner, to name three. Nevertheless, here's my Top 10 of 2016:


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

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To mark the Nov. 28, 1820 birthday of the revolutionary Frederick Engels, Fight Back News Service is circulating the one of his writings – the third chapter of his work Socialism: Utopian and Scientific.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Una vida dedicada a la revolución, el internacionalismo proletario y al Marxismo-Leninismo

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El 25 de noviembre del 2016 los trabajadores y pueblos oprimidos de todo el mundo perdieron a un gigante con el fallecimiento de Fidel Castro Ruz. La vida de Fidel debe ser honrada, estudiada y emulada. Fidel fue un líder crucial tanto para la Revolución Cubana de 1959, como para la construcción del socialismo en Cuba en las últimas cinco décadas y sus ejemplares actos de solidaridad internacional.

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By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

A life dedicated to revolution, proletarian internationalism and Marxism-Leninism

Fidel Castro

On Nov. 25, 2016 workers and oppressed peoples of the entire world lost a giant with the passing of Fidel Castro Ruz. Fidel lived a life worth honoring, studying and emulating. He was a key leader in the 1959 Cuban revolution, in building socialism in Cuba for more than five decades to the present day, and in exemplary acts of international solidarity.


By Frank Chapman

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Chicago, IL – The Free State of Jones is a movie, now playing in Chicago, that portrays the story of how poor white farmers and slaves rebelled against the Confederacy during the Civil War of 1861-65. This movie was directed by Gary Ross and written by Leonard Hartman and Gary Ross. It’s about two and a half hours long.


By Michael Sampson

Baltimore, MD – “Afeni Shakur Davis,” otherwise known as Afeni Shakur, passed away late Monday night, May 2, at the age of 69. The mother of the late great artist Tupac Shakur, she was a revolutionary leader in her own right, serving as the Harlem Section Leader of the Black Panther Party during the 1960s and 70s. She joined the party as a teen in 1968.


By staff

Minneapolis musical legend, Black movement supporter, gender-bending pioneer

Prince fans gather and pay respects April 21 at First Avenue in Minneapolis

“His songs were musical arguments to live free.” -Boots Riley


By Gus Froemke

Chicago students shut down Trump campaign event

Minneapolis, MN – Donald Trump’s ascendance to international political notoriety has sent shockwaves through the Western world’s political powers. Trump’s rejection of the establishment’s norms of behavior and of what he terms “political correctness” is unbalancing bourgeoisie democratic values. On the international scene, Trump is recognized as a simple schoolyard bully who teases and assaults those who have any semblance of creative or individual thought. In Trump’s vision for America you better kneel before the god of ‘businessman’ bravado, hyper-patriotism, bigotry, and triumphalism or you’re not worthy of access to the playground.