Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Destiny Spruill

District Councilor Elect Dion McGill, wearing the Rage Against The Machine shirt

By Destiny Spruill and Jacob Buckner

Chicago, IL – Two factors have made public safety a lynchpin issue in the upcoming mayoral election between Brandon Johnson, former teacher supported by the Chicago Teacher’s Union, and Paul Vallas, former CEO of Chicago Public Schools, backed by the Fraternal Order of the Police (FOP). First is the rise in the crime rate in the city in recent years. The second, and principal, reason is the law-and-order backlash that followed the historic protests of the George Floyd Rebellion.


By Merawi Gerima

Brandon Johnson campaign event.

Chicago, IL – Brandon Johnson’s campaign for mayor of Chicago held an event at Saint James Community Church on Chicago’s South Side on Thursday, March 16. The event was organized by United Working Families, a movement group behind Johnson.


By staff

Centro CSO members and friends canvassing for Dr. Rocio Rivas.

Los Angeles, CA – Dr. Rocio Rivas was finally declared winner in the highly anticipated Los Angeles Unified School District board race for District 2. On December 13 she was sworn in at an LAUSD board meeting. Board member and longtime human rights activist Jackie Goldberg gave her the oath of office while surrounded by family.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

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The 2022 midterm elections resulted in the Democrats maintaining control of the U.S. Senate, and the likelihood that the Republicans will control the House once all results are finalized.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

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We are quickly approaching the November 2022 midterm elections. These midterm elections represent an important political milestone for the people’s struggles in the United States. Not only will there be a lot on the line for people to either win or lose, but the outcome seen this November will impact the next presidential election in 2024 and serve as an indication for what may happen.


By staff

Alan Chavoya, Outreach Chair for the Milwaukee Alliance, calls for people to fig

Milwaukee, WI – On July 26, the Milwaukee Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression and Reproductive Justice Action Milwaukee joined SEIU Wisconsin for an event to speak against voter suppression. Early voting for the partisan primary kicked off on Tuesday in Milwaukee, and while many speakers emphasized the need to vote, the Milwaukee Alliance and RJAM kept their messages focused on the fight for voting rights. This is important, as our voting rights, especially those of oppressed nationalities, are coming under deeper and more frequent attacks.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization - MN District

Not the change we need

One of the protests that rocked Minneapolis during George Floyd rebellion

Just last year, the halls of power in Minnesota shook when people answered the murder of George Floyd by rising up. We marched on the State Capitol, the county attorney, the state attorney general, the police federation and the interstate highways. Day and night, for weeks on end, we faced riot police, tear gas, National Guard troops and white supremacists. The Third Precinct police station was burned, as were hundreds of other buildings. And fires here sparked protests across the world and transformed the political landscape.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

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Desde 2013 cuando la Corte Suprema con mayoría conservadora debilitó la Ley de Derecho al Voto de 1965, Republicanos y derechistas han intentado pasar más y más restricciones jurídicas al voto. El objetivo principal de estos esfuerzos es reprimir los votos de afroamericanos, quienes llevan mucho tiempo luchando en contra del racismo del Partido Republicano moderno. Estos esfuerzos han incrementado tras la derrota electoral de Donald Trump en las elecciones presidenciales del 2020 y la victoria de un senador afroamericano en Georgia. Las mentiras de Trump y sus aliados acerca de fraude electoral se han unido a la campaña para suprimir el voto. Su objetivo no es solamente ganar las elecciones del 2022 y 2024 sino también establecer la fundación para anular futuras elecciones si los resultados no les convienen. La supresión del voto de afroamericanos, chicanos y otras nacionalidades oprimidas es el enfoque de estos esfuerzos.

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By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

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Ever since the Supreme Court conservative majority weakened the 1965 Voting Rights Act in 2013, Republicans and the right wing have tried to pass more and more legal restrictions on voting. The main aim of these efforts is to suppress the votes of African Americans, who have long fought the racism and reaction of the modern Republican Party. These efforts redoubled in the wake of the 2020 elections with Donald Trump’s loss in the presidential race, and the election of one African American senator from Georgia. Trump and his allies’ lies about voter fraud have merged with this campaign for voter suppression. Their goal is not just to try to win elections in 2022 and 2024, but to lay the basis for trying to overturn future elections if the outcome is not to their liking. Disenfranchising as many African Americans, Chicanos and other oppressed nationalities is at the center of their efforts to turn the clock back.


By Marisol Márquez

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Los Angeles, CA – Right-wingers, racists and proponents of anti-COVID-19 measures are leading a recall election of Governor Gavin Newson. California voters will vote Yes or No on the recall and also pick who they would prefer if the recall is successful. The last day to decide is on election day, September 14.