Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

abolish ice

By staff

Protesters hold banner in front of the ICE Field Office.

New Orleans, LA – On March 3 dozens of protesters gathered in front of the downtown New Orleans Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) field office to express solidarity with 300 ICE detainees at Lasalle Detention Center. The immigrants began a hunger strike on Monday, February 27, and the Detention Watch Network broke the news Thursday evening. Protesters united behind the strikers’ demands for their immediate release, transparency from ICE about their court cases, and access to basic hygiene necessities.


By Jared Hamil

People gather in Grand Park in downtown LA to demand "Close the camps."

Los Angeles, CA – On October 12, hundreds of people gathered downtown to demand Trump’s concentration camps be closed. Many organizations and labor unions came together including NDLON Day Labor Organizing Centers and MEChA de CSULA with a clear message, “Close the camps.” October 12 was a national day of action in which multiple cities participated.


By staff

Protestors marching in Aurora, CO.

Aurora, CO – Immigrant rights groups from the greater Denver area came together on September 19 to confront Johnny Choate, the warden of Aurora’s notorious ICE detention facility, at his Aurora home.


By Shaine Carrol-Frey

Protest against Trump's concentration camps.

Aurora, CO – Hundreds of protestors marched from the Peoria transit station to the corporate-run GEO Group ICE Processing Center on July 12. The march was led by the Coalition to Close Concentration Camps. The coalition is composed of many local immigrant rights groups and community activists demanding President Trump close the camps.


By staff

San Diego protest demands end to Trump's concentration camps.

San Ysidro, CA – Protesters marched from Larsen Field in San Ysidro to the pedestrian border crossing Friday evening, July 12. The march was led by local Kumeyaay tribal elders, accompanied by the Brown Berets, and local immigrant rights and political organizations in demanding an immediate end to the Trump administration's refugee and immigrant concentration camps.


By Brad Sigal

Minneapolis, MN – More than 50 people protested outside the Minnesota Republican Party headquarters in Minneapolis, Aug. 9, to condemn a massive immigration raid in southern Minnesota and Nebraska the day before, in which Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detained around 140 immigrant workers.


By Frank Lynch

Banner drop in San Diego demanding release and reunification of families

San Diego, CA – About 800 protesters rallied and marched, July 2, to demand the abolition and defunding of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). ICE is a division of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) notorious for harassing and terrorizing immigrants, refugees and the Chicano community. Due to its proximity to the border with Mexico, San Diego has been a focal point for the immigrant rights movement, the struggle against ICE, and now the Trump administration’s vicious separation of families policy.