Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Jacob Flom

By Jacob Flom

Milwaukee, WI – Members of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) jumped into multiple parades here this past Fourth of July weekend. The students carried banners demanding education rights, and an end to U.S. occupation of Afghanistan. This marks the third consecutive year that Milwaukee SDS has made a presence in area of July 4 parades.


By Jacob Flom

_Whistleblower fears for his life _

In April 2010, a video leaked from top secret military files revealed a 2007 U.S. Army helicopter assault on Baghdad where eighteen civilians were murdered, including two journalists from the news agency Reuters. The video created international uproar over the brutality of U.S. war on Iraq and infuriated the Pentagon.


By Jacob Flom

Protest in Milwaukee for Freedom Flotilla

Milwaukee, WI – Over 200 people rallied here, for the second time this week, to protest Israel's massacre of the participants in Freedom Flotilla – a mission to bring aid to Gaza.


By Jacob Flom

Milwaukee protest condemns  Israel killings on Freedom Flotilla ship

Milwaukee, WI – 75 people rallied outside the Federal Building here June 1, condemning Israel's deadly attack on the Freedom Flotilla.


By Jacob Flom

Debate on education rights in Milwaukee

Milwaukee, WI – A forum on education rights held at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) drew 300 people to hear a debate between Chancellor Santiago and the Education Rights Campaign. Chancellor Santiago agreed to participate in the public forum after 16 students and community members were arrested at his office on March 4, trying to meet with him about budget cuts and tuition hikes.


By Jacob Flom

1 de mayo 2010 en Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Milwaukee, WI – 65,000 marcharon en Milwaukee el primero de mayo a favor de los derechos inmigrantes y laborales. La marcha anual se dobló este año desde el año pasado. Los participantes exigieron una reforma migratoria inmediata y un fin a las leyes racistas de Arizona. Los Estudiantes por una Sociedad Democrática (SDS, por sus siglas en ingles) y el Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán (MEChA) movilizaron un contingente fuerte de estudiantes.

#MilwaukeeWI #internationalWorkersDay #May1 #elDíaInternacionalDeLosTrabajadores #1DeMayo #SB1070

By Jacob Flom

May Day 2010 March in Milwaukee

Milwaukee, WI – 65,000 marched through Milwaukee May 1 for immigrant and worker rights. The annual march doubled in size from last year. Marchers demanded immediate immigration reform and an end to the racist laws in Arizona. Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan (MEChA) mobilized a loud student contingent.

#MilwaukeeWI #internationalWorkersDay #May1 #SB1070

By Jacob Flom

Milwaukee, WI – The Milwaukee 16 went to court to plead not guilty, April 15. Outside, a host of TV cameras and news crews were covering their case. When asked to comment on the case, the lawyers and arrestees demanded, “Drop the charges!”


By Jacob Flom

SDS Milwaukee banner reads "Education is a right, Students Fight Tuition Hike!"

Since the near collapse of the banking system, Americans have paid billions to banks that are now making record profits. Meanwhile, students, workers and homeowners are facing unforgivable unemployment, homelessness and debt. In spite of this, the Obama administration continues to escalate the occupation of Afghanistan and maintain troops in Iraq, adding trillions to this country's deficit and financial crisis. It is the working people who will pay for these wars, just as we are paying for bailouts to greedy banks.


By Jacob Flom

Banner reading "Bust up the union busters"

Milwaukee, WI – Angry labor unionists and their supporters protested here, May 19, against Republican hit man Karl Rove. The conservative lobbying group, Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce (WMC) invited former Bush aide Karl Rove to speak against the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA). EFCA promises to make it easier for workers to form unions with less interference and dirty tricks from bosses. Unions and workers are demanding this new amendment to the National Labor Relations Act that will make forming a union a simple democratic choice.