Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Gage Lacharite

By Gage Lacharite

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Tampa, FL – Over a dozen students at the University of South Florida (USF) gathered outside of Russell M. Cooper Hall on campus, March 30, to condemn recent interventions by the U.S. in Venezuela, Iraq, Syria and Ukraine. The students made speeches and chanted, attracting other students to listen.


By Gage Lacharite

Tampa students stand up to FBI recruiters

Tampa, FL – On March 10, members of Tampa Students for a Democratic Society disrupted an FBI recruiting event at the University of South Florida (USF). The FBI claimed the event was part of Women's History Month, their goal being to recruit young women as agents of repression. The FBI continues to threaten important women leaders such as Assata Shakur, who is living in exile in Cuba. In the case of the Anti-war 23, many women anti-war leaders were spied upon for two years and then the FBI raided their homes, in a clear case of political repression.


By Gage Lacharite

Tampa, FL – Over a dozen University of South Florida (USF) students gathered for a teach-in condemning USF's complicity in the continuing U.S. war on terror, Feb 11. Tampa Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), Students for Justice in Palestine, and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee all spoke and participated.


By Gage Lacharite

Tampa march against police killings of African Americans.

Tampa, FL – Over 250 protesters gathered on Dec. 5 to protest police terror and to end the killing of African American men by the police. Protesters demanded “Jail killer cops” – like police officer Darren Wilson who shot Mike Brown to death in Ferguson, Missouri, and officer Daniel Pantaleo who killed Eric Garner in New York.


By Gage Lacharite

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Tampa, FL – 70 Palestine solidarity activists filed into the intersection of Maritime and 20th Street here to protest the docking of the ZIM Alabama, a container ship carrying Israeli goods. The Tampa Port Authority was woken early in the morning of Sept. 21 by protesters opposing the importation of Israeli goods. Israeli companies super-exploit Palestinian labor, paying very low wages.


By Gage Lacharite

Tampa, FL – Two dozen protesters from around Florida protested the delivery of Israeli goods to the Port of Tampa on Aug. 30. The huge container ship named the Zim Alabama transports Israeli-made goods for distribution in the southeast U.S. Due to arrive on a Wednesday night, the Zim Alabama was delayed, docking in the early morning on Saturday, Aug. 30, instead. Protesters were ready and picketed at 10:00 a.m. Saturday, staying for several hours in the hot Florida sun.


By Gage Lacharite

Tampa students demand “Hands off Ukraine.”

Tampa, FL – Tampa Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and anti-war activists from the community protested U.S. interference in Ukraine at Senator Marco Rubio's office, April 16. Marco Rubio supports efforts in the U.S. Senate to increase U.S. intervention and spend billions of taxpayer dollars in Ukraine. Students made three demands at Rubio’s office on the University of South Florida campus: No more U.S. intervention in Ukraine or Crimea; Stop U.S. aid to the illegitimate Ukrainian regime; and Oppose U.S. sanctions against Russia.


By Gage Lacharite

Tallahassee, FL – On April 14, Senator Joe Negron released a statement announcing he is blocking SB 1400. SB 1400 is a bill in the Florida legislature to provide in-state tuition for undocumented students who attend high school in Florida. Negron is blocking the Appropriations Committee from hearing the bill before the end of legislative session. The Appropriations Committee is the third and final committee that SB 1400 needs to pass through before a full Senate vote. However, a motion can still be made within the Senate to call a vote of the bill on the floor.


By Gage Lacharite

Student Government Senate meeting at USF

Tampa, FL – The Student Government Senate at the University of South Florida (USF) passed a resolution supporting in-state tuition for undocumented immigrant students from Florida, Nov. 12. Out-of-state tuition is three times more than in-state tuition. Currently, undocumented immigrant students who graduate from Florida high schools have to pay the higher, out-of-state tuition.


By Gage Lacharite

Tampa protest in solidarity with Rasmea Odeh

Tampa, FL – A dozen activists from Tampa Bay SDS and the community protested near the University of South Florida (USF) in solidarity with Palestinian community leader Rasmea Odeh. Protesters held signs at a major intersection saying, “Drop the charges,” and “Stop arresting Muslim activists.” The protest was part of a national action coinciding with Odeh’s Nov. 13 court date.


By Gage Lacharite

Tampa students at sit-out to restore to fight cuts in library hours.

Tampa, FL – Students at the University of South Florida (USF) won a campaign to keep their library open 24 hours per day. Returning USF students were surprised in August to find the library would be closed at midnight and re-opening at 7:00 a.m. everyday. This comes after years of open hours on the campus. The students defeated the cutbacks imposed by the University administration by organizing and taking action. The victory was announced Sept. 5.

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