Now that ten years are passed since the events of Sept. 11, 2001, we would do well to look back and take note of some of the causes and consequences. We need to sum up and draw lessons. Immediately following the attacks in New York and at the Pentagon, the Bush administration began cynically manipulating events to launch an expansive and ongoing war on the peoples of the world and an escalating campaign of repression here at home under the guise of a ‘war on terror.’ This two-pronged approach to reasserting the power of the U.S. empire at the expense of working and oppressed people is continuing, and in some ways accelerating under the Obama administration.
¡Viva el espíritu de lucha de la clase obrera de Wisconsin!
El 1ro de mayo es el día internacional de los trabajadores, un día para celebrar las luchas de la clase obrera y de los pueblos oprimidos. El 1 de mayo de 1886, en los Estados Unidos, cientos de miles de trabajadores se fueron a huelga luchando por la jornada de ocho horas. Ocho organizadores en Chicago, seis de los cuales eran inmigrantes, fueron falsamente acusados de matar a un policía y cuatro de ellos fueron ahorcados. El movimiento obrero internacional adopto el 1 de mayo como un día de lucha y es ampliamente celebrado alrededor del mundo.
Following a UN Security Council vote on the evening of March 17, an attack on Libya is imminent. The United States, Britain and France are expected to begin air strikes in a matter of days or even hours. All people of conscience should stand firmly against this act of war.
Freedom Road Socialist Organization salutes the workers, students and community participants in the March 12 protest in Madison, Wisconsin. Everyone filling the streets around the state capitol is sending a clear message to the rich and powerful – we will not sit back in silence while our right to collectively bargain is taken away. The moment has arrived to stand up and do whatever it takes to defend our unions, our standard of living, and our future.
The workers in Wisconsin have risen up in opposition to Republican Governor Scott Walker’s attempt to end public sector unionism in the state. These workers deserve the support of all trade unionists, students and all people of conscience.
Brother Ray Sosa was a Chicano Los Angeles community organizer and revolutionary who dedicated his entire life to the struggle to achieve justice, equality and liberation for working and oppressed peoples.
The Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) denounces the planned burning of the Qur’an by a racist and reactionary church in Gainesville, Florida. We are outraged. Our organization is united with others, determined to stop this evil act with all the means available. We promise to do all in our power to shut down the Qur’an-burning by Terry Jones and his Dove Church.