Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Freedom Road Socialist Organization

By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

President Obama’s second term will mean more wars, cutbacks at home and attacks on our civil liberties. Obama has expanded U.S. military intervention in the Middle East – with the ongoing war and occupation of Afghanistan, merciless drone attacks killing thousands in Pakistan and Yemen, aggression against Syria and war threats against Iran. U.S. Special Forces and U.S. military advisors have a growing presence from Mexico to Africa, and worryingly there is a ‘pivot’ towards Asia that aims to bolster U.S. military power there.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Tres años después del fin oficial de la recesión, los tiempos difíciles económicos siguen. La ruina fiscal amenaza a muchos trabajadores. Uno de cada tres niños vive en una familia en que ninguno de los dos padres tiene trabajo de tiempo completo todo el año. Escandalosamente, los banqueros siguen aprovechándose de bonos después del rescate de los bancos financiado por el pueblo. Los ricos — el 1% — están viviendo vidas de lujo mientras los trabajadores tienen que luchar solo para sobrevivir y encontrar trabajo. La economía estadounidense está estancada y amenazada por la creciente crisis económica en Europa. La gente está frustrada por la crisis económica y legítimamente enojada con los políticos de los dos partidos.

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By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Three years after the recession officially ended, economic hard times continue. Financial ruin haunts many working people. One in three children live in families where neither parent has full-time year round employment. Outrageously, bankers are still taking bonuses after taxpayer-financed bailouts. The wealthy 1% are living in luxury, while working people struggle to make ends meet, find work, and survive. The U.S. economy is stagnant at best and threatened by the growing economic crisis in Europe. People are frustrated by the economic crisis and rightfully angry with politicians of both parties.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Say no to NATO! Oppose war and poverty!

Fight Back News is circulating this statement from Freedom Road Socialist Organization, on the occasion of the May 20 anti-NATO protests in Chicago.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement by Freedom Road Socialist Organization of the passing of Ernesto Bustillos


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Un grupo de manifestantes se reunió el 17 de septiembre del 2011 en el Parque Zuccoti, en el distrito financiero de la ciudad de Nueva York, EEUU. Su intención era exponer la avaricia y dominación de Wall Street sobre las vidas de la gente de la clase media y la clase obrera, que forma el 99% de la población. Casi inmediatamente la policía respondió con represión y gas pimienta. Esto provocó que miles de habitantes de Nueva York, en solidaridad, inundaran el Parque Zuccoti dándole inicio al movimiento Ocupar Wall Street [Occupy Wall Street en inglés].

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By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

All around the U.S., people are taking action to denounce the racist murder of African American teenager Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Florida. We demand justice!


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

On Sept. 17, 2011, a group of protesters gathered in Zuccotti Park in New York City. Their intention: to expose Wall Street greed and corporate domination over the lives of working and middle class people, the 99%. Almost immediately, police responded to the protesters with repression and pepper spray. This caused thousands of New Yorkers to flood to Zuccotti Park. Occupy Wall Street was on. Protesters camped in the park and did not leave for 59 days. Support for the protest built quickly and spread across the country and around the world. Within weeks, almost a thousand cities had Occupy protests. U.S. cities big and small had Occupations, including Chicago, Fort Worth, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, Oakland, Salt Lake City, Seattle, Tampa and Winston-Salem.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

The United States and its Western allies, along with reactionary pro-U.S. Arab regimes in the Middle East, are doing everything in their power to bring down the government of Syria. They have imposed sanctions that harm the Syrian people. They interfere in Syria’s internal affairs, with the aim of spreading disorder and chaos. Behind these attacks there is the steady drumbeat threatening foreign military intervention.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

On Sept. 24, 2010 the FBI launched a series of coordinated raids against anti-war and international solidarity activists in the Midwest. More than 70 agents of the FBI, ATF and Joint Terrorism Task Force were involved. Also raided that day was the office of the Twin Cities Anti-War Committee. In concert with the raids, the FBI made attempts to intimidate activists in California, North Carolina and Wisconsin.